Corina Heri Profile picture
Postdoc at @uzh_en, formerly @ACIL_UvA | human rights law, climate change, vulnerability, courts | she/her
Apr 9, 2024 42 tweets 7 min read
A very good morning from the @ECHR_CEDH in Strasbourg, where I’ll be live-tweeting today’s hearing announcing the ECtHR’s first three climate rulings. Excitement is running high, @GretaThunberg is here and the hearing is going to be packed. Stay tuned! 1/x Image The hearing doesn’t start until 10:30 CEST, and it’ll give a brief indication of the findings, with the rulings and their summaries to be published afterwards. In the meantime, I have an @KlimaSeniorin button and a seat in the Press room across from the inimitable @MollyQuell Image
Sep 27, 2023 100 tweets 16 min read
Last week, I promised to live tweet the Duarte Agostinho hearing at the ECtHR - and set out the key reasons why this case is so exciting (and contested). Today I’ll be making good on my promise, starting right now!
Image @Dunja_Mijatovic Listening to the UK's intervention is really driving home the fact that a stiff Bankovic approach to territorial jurisdiction isn't fit for purpose (if that purpose is ensuring the protection of human rights) when it comes to global or cross-border environmental impacts.
May 29, 2019 21 tweets 4 min read
The Ilgar Mammadov Article 46-1 judgment here, there's been a violation and there are numerous separate opinions. Reading starts now, hot takes to commence ASAP! For non-ECHR friends: this is a case about infringement proceedings against Azerbaijan for its alleged failure to abide by final judgment of ECtHR concerning the detention & silencing of a political activist & former presidential candidate, and it's the first of its kind