Colin Bendell Profile picture
Principal Engineer, Technical Advisor to the CEO @shopify; formerly @cloudinary, @akamai O'Reilly author:
Jun 21, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
Today, HTTP 103 Early Hints ships with Chrome 103!

Why is this important for #webperf? How did @Shopify help make all merchant sites faster? (LCP over 500ms faster at p50!) 🧵

Hint: A little collaboration w/ @Cloudflare & @googlechrome Image Speed matters for entrepreneurs. If a buyer experiences a first page load that is 10% faster, on average there is an increase of 7% in conversion. #Unite2021 #LCP #shopify Image
May 27, 2020 23 tweets 5 min read
18% of global Android Chrome users have Lite Mode enabled (aka Save-Data). Digging into the data, I now have more questions than answers. Is this a signal that users want #webperf? Or something else?
(cont…) First impression: Save-Data gives users what they want, which is a different quality/performance tradeoff. And with @cloudinary’s q_auto it appears to yield a 10% greater consumption. Yay!