colinpurrington Profile picture
Nature and photography fan
colinpurrington Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 5, 2022 20 tweets 14 min read
It's been exactly two years since I found this taped to my front door — a notification I was being sued for defamation by AC2T, Inc., the Mississippi corporation that manufactures the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator. 🧵 1/n Image AC2T's lawsuit seeks to punish me for comments I've made about the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator, a tube filled with sucrose, sodium chloride, yeast, and water. The company is particularly upset that I alerted the @EPA, the @FTC, and pesticide regulators in all 50 states. 2/n
Mar 4, 2022 4 tweets 6 min read
@EPAnewengland @EPAregion2 @EPAregion3 @EPASoutheast @EPAGreatLakes @EPAregion6 @EPAregion7 @EPARegion8 @EPAregion9 @EPAnorthwest If a pesticide's label doesn't meet Condition 6 for Minimum Risk, is company still allowed to claim 25(b) status on box? @EPAnewengland @EPAregion2 @EPAregion3 @EPASoutheast @EPAGreatLakes @EPAregion6 @EPAregion7 @EPARegion8 @EPAregion9 @EPAnorthwest When I ask state lead agencies, they see no problem with exaggerated claims and suggest I contact EPA HQ. But staff at EPA say that only states can deal with enforcement issues for 25(b) pesticide products. Is there any way for Regional offices to fill this enforcement gap?
Oct 4, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
I found a box of @Hostess_Snacks Twinkies from 2012 in my basement and I thought I'd make a short thread. There were some surprises. Image 2. The Twinkie from 2012 is on the left. It seems to have settled a bit over the years and looked dry. The biggest difference is that the cream filling has browned and constricted a bit, leaving air gaps. Image
May 3, 2019 33 tweets 9 min read
Mason bee houses are easy to find these days but most are poorly designed death traps. Please don't buy them. The one above has blocks and reeds that are glued to the back. That means you can't add fresh nesting materials each spring. And thus parasites just keep increasing in numbers and your mason bees will suffer.