James Lindsay, anti-Communist Profile picture
Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
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Oct 14 32 tweets 6 min read
I think it's valuable to talk about one of my favorite lines from Karl Marx: "Communism therefore [is] the complete return of man to him­self as a social (i.e., human) being." Like most of Marx's ravings, this leaf did not fall idly. It's central to understanding Marxism. 🧵 If you want to understand Marxism as a Communist religion, it's important to start here. Karl Marx is not asking an economic question, a political question, or even a sociological question here. He's asking a religious question: who and what is man, and what should he do in life?
Oct 12 13 tweets 3 min read
One of the worst aspects of Woke thought is its hostility to science (while claiming the mantle of science and appropriating sciency-looking things that support it). I don't really talk about this enough and need to put something together on it. It goes for law too. Other than "reality exists and can be known about," probably the deepest axiom of both science and law is that we inhabit a shared reality objective to each of us. Woke thought is entirely hostile to this idea. Then it accepts what serves it and rejects what doesn't, always.
Oct 10 25 tweets 4 min read
If you want to understand why Communists always end up killing so many people, aside from the fact that it's a personality disorder turned into a religion that takes over politics, you have to understand it as a fanatical religion that demands a "qualitative change" in humanity. Lots of people apparently just want me to "say capitalism, James!" meaning they want me to "admit" that Communists hate private property and want to abolish it (which, I have pointed out, of course, hundreds of times with citation, including Ch. 2 of the Communist Manifesto).
Oct 8 19 tweets 4 min read
Classical Liberalism fully embraces the concept of (scientific) universality, which I think is one of the most interesting and important ideas to repelling arbitrary power and thus unleashing peace and prosperity. It's important to understand this principle. 🧵 Classical Liberalism accept the realist axiom that the world exists independently of all observers, and the principle of universality rests upon that. The simplest expression of universality is "anyone can perform the test." That is a fantastically powerful, world-changing idea.
Oct 8 18 tweets 3 min read
The simplest axioms of Classical Liberalism are:

1) Reality/Creation exists objectively, not subjectively, and separately from the divine;
2) It is rationally comprehensible;
3) None of us being divine, we only have political authority over others that we can earn w/o coercion. (1) No matter how tough or privileged your life is, reality is objective. It's external to us all. Yes, we're part of reality, but it would carry on almost exactly like it is (and with the same physical laws) without us. Truth is not a subjective affair.
Oct 7 4 tweets 1 min read
A giveaway trait of the Woke Right is a victimhood-based identity politics, just like the Woke Left. The victim groups are whites, Christians, men, and straight people, and it's roughly intersectional in how it works. Woke Rights believe in leaning into identity politics. Of course, another couple telltale signs you're dealing with the Woke Right is them blaming things on the Jews or doing edgy Nazi memes, but there are others too. The identity politics is probably one of the most important. Focusing on "anti-white racism" is a huge one.
Oct 6 12 tweets 3 min read
Have you seen Beneath Sheep's Clothing yet? You need to. It's available now. People are saying it's a huge eye-opener. I'm going to tell you some about it. Beneath Sheep's Clothing is a film we made to solve a particular problem: namely that Communism (in a new form) isn't just coming to American and the West, but it's already here, but people are struggling to see it. Books, articles, podcasts are great. We needed a film.
Oct 5 27 tweets 5 min read
Given all the hate and excitement, I wasn't going to bother doing a thread tonight, but I'm procrastinating on real work I really don't want to do.

We need to talk about Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence or stupidity." Hanlon's Razor is obviously a call to charity: it's a demand to think the best of people who are messing up. They're probably just ignorant, stupid, or incompetent. They're probably not intending to do bad things. Don't accuse them unnecessarily!
Oct 3 8 tweets 3 min read
I am once again telling you Auron McIntyre is a propagandist and a fraud. His strawman is transparently stupid (he can't organize a sock drawer and is just a dipshit pawn), and he's deflecting from a real globalist agenda he doesn't want you to know about.

Regions in this stepping-stone plan are devised to cross borders and have some other features in common. They're to gain relevance over time, politically and economically, until the existing borders and laws are a burden. National sovereignty gets nullified as regions grow.
Oct 2 33 tweets 7 min read
Regarding the "Woke Right," it is also structured like the Woke Left or any other cult. It's a little more complicated because the Woke Right contains many factions, and one of them has not yet won out (the most intolerant will eventually win), but the basic structure is there. The basic structure of cults is like three rings, where each ring might be divided up into levels. In the center, there's an "Inner Circle" who knows what's going on and uses the cult. Beyond, there are an "Inner School" and "Outer School" of members.
Oct 1 52 tweets 9 min read
Another little something you're not ready to hear.

What is the Woke Right?

There's a growing movement that is reaching breakout velocity on the "Right" that is ostensibly ultra-conservative ("far right") but that shares much more in common with the Woke Left than conservatives. To explain the Woke Right, we have to start by explaining Woke, which is still poorly understood and does not, in fact, mean "Leftist."

Woke Leftists believe they have woken up to a particular view of reality constructed by power so that it is hidden from view (occult) by power.
Oct 1 15 tweets 3 min read
What this suggests when expanded to the level of states or nations generally recognized as free is that the fly in the soup of Liberal Republics is not some baked-in metaphysical failure or being early-stage Communism but an inability to resolve the Paradox of Tolerance. The Paradox of Tolerance is the observation (attributed to Karl Popper) that if an entity is tolerant of intolerance it will eventually be overcome by intolerance, but if it is not, then it isn't tolerant in the first place. So, it's a question on the limits to Liberal tolerance.
Oct 1 11 tweets 2 min read
Conquest's Second Law, which is O'Sullivan's First Law likely misattributed to Robert Conquest, is famous but incorrect: "Any organization that is not explicitly right wing will become left wing over time." It's not exactly wrong so much as it is corollary to a more general rule. Conquest (or O'Sullivan) are actually right in practice. Any organization that isn't explicitly right-wing will become left-wing over time. The thing is, this political formulation obscures all understanding of the dynamic causing the trend left, which isn't inexorable or unique.
Sep 28 18 tweets 6 min read
I saw this compelling image earlier, and I've been thinking about it since. The symbol is the rainbow wheel for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of its Agenda 2030. This particular characterization, "Rainbow Swastika," is obviously provocative. It's also right. 🧵 Image Making this case is a bit delicate, as tempting as it is to chalk up the United Nations and its elite affiliates as the new Nazis and be done with it. That's also not wholly wrong, but it's not particularly believable. Understanding the Swastika makes a more compelling case.
Sep 23 9 tweets 2 min read
Imagine the idiotic luxury of being Woke (Marxist or Fascist). Everything reduces to one variable: the rich, the middle class, racism and racists, sexism and sexists, a broad but constrained concept of normalcy, imperialism, whatever. This is truly intellectual decadence. 🧵 When you're Woke, there's always just one explanation for everything, and there's an associated group of people who can be scapegoated for that universal cause (that is, a devil). It's men! It's racists! It's white people! It's capitalists! Damn them!
Sep 21 18 tweets 4 min read
Charles Spurgeon once famously said, "Discernment isn't telling the difference between right and wrong; it's telling the difference between right and almost right."

Lies and evil rarely show themselves as false or wrong. They show up in the guises of true and right enough. 🧵 Many people have heard the warning of incrementalist change being like moving three inches at a time until one day you suddenly realize you're three miles down the road not knowing how you got there and not sure how to go back. It can be more subtle than that.
Sep 18 11 tweets 3 min read
I mostly disagree because I'm every bit or more worried about corrupted religious doctrine as I am about the nonreligious void.

Communism is a cult religion that will capture souls any way it can. The souls it can't capture, it will attempt to corrupt otherwise. Corrupted Christian doctrine together with a deracinated, subverted liberalism, both calling themselves "progressive" at times, worked together to this end. A reactionary church will be summoned as its negation so that the resistance will not find genuine faith in God or country.
Sep 17 5 tweets 1 min read
Be cautious with people denigrating "the Enlightenment" to advance some political project (which is invariably Woke, Left or Right). It refers to several things, not all of which agree.

America is based on Scottish Common Sense Realism, not French or German Idealism. 🇺🇸 The post-liberty Right ("Woke Right") tend to talk trash on the Englightenment in a sloppy way so they can attack American Classical Liberalism instead of conserving it. This error is only forgiveable at first. By now, the big players MUST know better because it's been clarified.
Sep 15 25 tweets 5 min read
You may have noticed that people who are wrong, especially when doing wrong, not just factually wrong, often attack people telling the truth. That's Error hating Truth.

Why does Error hate Truth? A borrowed lesson from my friend the Honorable Bob McEwan. 🧵 Imagine we're in an auditorium, and I say the auditorium is 50 feet wide, and you say it's 60 feet, and someone else says it's 80 feet. Obviously, we cannot all be correct (although we could all be wrong).
Sep 14 6 tweets 2 min read
"I'm going to take James [Lindsay] so badly! Watch this! I'll be like, 'BREAKING NEWS: James Lindsay admits that Hitler was fighting Marxists!"

This disgusting behavior is to elicit my attention and make Nick Fuentes and his Groypers dance for her, which they did.
If you wonder why I don't interact with her, it's because she's dangerously obsessed with me and does this dishonest cluster-B thing all the time. Most of her posts are about me. Most of her streams are about me. It's all unhinged cluster-B provocation. See it?
Sep 14 5 tweets 2 min read
This passage from Hitler about the Jews is really telling. Image Very nasty Hitler views about Jews in Germany. Image