Cooking with Chris Profile picture
Nutrition | Cooking | Lifestyle. I’ll help you be the healthiest version of yourself while eating food you love. ALL of my recipes 👉
41 subscribers
Mar 12 12 tweets 9 min read
Ground meat is one of the best foods to meal prep because it:

-Cooks in minutes
-Reheats well
-Is cheap
-High protein
-Easy to cook

Here are 10 of my favorite ways to cook it in 30 minutes or less:Image
Burger Bowl

Inspired by the In n Out burger animal style fries, but healthy

Start by roasting your potatoes.

Preheat the oven 450 and cut your potatoes into 1 inch pieces.

Toss them in a bowl with oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika.

Roast for 30 minutes, giving it on occasional stir. If you’re making a large batch you may need to let them go longer to get crispy.

While the potatoes are cooking, simply cook your ground meat of choice. When fully cooked, drain the fat, and season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder.

For the special sauce, combine:

1/2 cup avocado mayo
3 tablespoons ketchup
1/2 tablespoon white vinegar
.5-1 tsp sugar
2 tablespoons relish

Adjust the vinegar & sugar to your preference.

Assemble your bowls with the potatoes on the bottom, then the ground meat, then top with lettuce, onion, pickles, tomatoes, avocado, sauerkraut or anything else you want.

Drizzle the special sauce on top and enjoy!Image
Mar 10 22 tweets 5 min read

& how we’ve been lied to about to causes of heart disease

(Thread)Image “High cholesterol causes heart disease”

How many times have you heard this? Probably a lot.

But what if I told you that cholesterol is actually necessary for good health?

And that everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is a lie?

Let’s get into it👇🏼
Mar 5 26 tweets 4 min read

& why balancing amino acids is necessary for optimal health

(Thread)Image As western society has moved to eating predominantly muscle meat & less of the whole animal, our nutrition has suffered

One of the main things lacking are collagen & gelatin, which play a role in:

-Gut health
-Skin & hair quality
-Joint health
-Nervous system

And so much more
Feb 26 19 tweets 7 min read

(Thread)Image There is evidence that plants have been used for medicinal purposes for over 60,000 years.

Unfortunately today, we have lost touch with nature and often turn to lab-made pharmaceuticals to heal.

In this thread I’ll go over powerful herbs & spices and their medicinal benefits.
Feb 19 13 tweets 4 min read

(Thread)Image No matter your health goals, protein intake is KEY

-Keeps you the most full
-You burn more calories digesting it
-Helps build/maintain muscle
-Prevents a big glucose spike with carbs
-Most nutrient dense foods

Here are 10 of my favorite protein sources & their nutrients:
Feb 18 16 tweets 5 min read
One of the most overlooked causes of health issues...

It can be the reason for:

-Gut issues
-Joint pain
-And even mental health issues

Yet most doctors deny it’s even real!

So, here’s everything you need to know on LEAKY GUT & how to resolve it:Image Your digestive system is responsible for absorbing nutrients and getting rid of waste

The lining of the intestines are the barrier between your gut and bloodstream

When it’s functioning properly, this will prevent harmful substances from entering your bloodstream
Feb 17 9 tweets 8 min read

Potatoes are one of the most delicious, easily digestible and versatile foods on the planet

Here are my 8 favorite ways to cook them:Image
French fries

Start by peeling and slicing russet potatoes. You can cut them in pretty much any shape you want.

As you’re cutting them, place into a bowl of cold water. Give these a rinse or 2 to get off the excess starch.

Add to a pot with cold water, salt and a splash of white vinegar, then bring to a boil. The vinegar will help prevent the potatoes from falling apart.

You want to boil them until they’re soft, but not completely cooked, otherwise they will really fall apart.

I used a medium sized cut, and boiled them for about 5-6 minutes.

The next and arguably most important step is to drain the water and let them cool completely. A steel wire rack is perfect for this.
The cold potato hitting the hot oil is what will give them that crispy & crunchy texture.

When they are completely cool, it’s time to fry. I’m using duck fat but beef tallow is another great option. The animal fats will give them a nice savory flavor.
Heat your oil to about 350-375 degrees, then add the fries.

Be careful not to overcrowd the oil, otherwise it will cool it down too much. Fry in batches if necessary.

When they are golden crispy, remove and drain on a steel wire rack, just for a minute.
Time to add your seasonings. You want to do this immediately after frying.

I’m making truffle fries so just doing salt, pepper and some truffle oil.

You can add any seasonings you like; cajun seasoning, garlic & rosemary, paprika & garlic powder, etc.Image
Feb 17 13 tweets 5 min read

Oxtail soup is easily one of the healthiest things you can possibly eat

It’s LOADED with collagen/gelatin, amazing balance of amino acids, nutritious vegetables and is good for the soul

Let's get into it:Image
What I love about oxtail soup is that you get all the benefits of bone broth without it having to worry about simmering overnight and straining it into a million jars

Although it takes time, it is fool proof!

Here's how we do it:
Jan 29 21 tweets 5 min read

-Raw milk
-A1 vs A1
-Lactose Intolerance

Do you struggle to digest dairy? Opt for non-dairy alternatives for health reasons?

Then this thread is for you👇Image An increasing number of people are opting for dairy free alternatives, and they are becoming more and more prevalent in supermarkets, coffee shops and more

This is for good reason, as some studies show about 68% of the world population struggles to digest dairy
Jan 28 18 tweets 3 min read

-Which cookware to avoid
-Which cookware is safe
-When & where to use each
-Brands that you can trust

(Thread)Image Cookware can be a major source of toxins and heavy metals if you are using the wrong material at the wrong time

Even brands labeled as “healthy” use greenwashing and are not completely safe

Let’s break it down👇🏼
Jan 27 8 tweets 4 min read
After running numerous polls, people’s biggest issue when it comes to eating healthy is TIME

If you struggle to eat healthy because of time, here are my favorite dead simple, easy recipes that can save you time during the week:Image Shredded chicken:

Throw chicken, jar of salsa, buffalo or BBQ sauce, & a pinch of salt in a crock pot or low simmer in a pan

Simmer until it shreds

Takes 1 minute to throw togetherImage
Jan 24 11 tweets 4 min read

Use this to set yourself up for a week of healthy eating with one trip to the supermarket

(Thread)Image Healthy eating and grocery shopping starts with a PLAN

Like anything, just showing up and winging it is not going to give you the best results

So, start by taking 5 minutes to plan your meals for the week by using this sheet. Image
Jan 23 16 tweets 6 min read
How to make a traditional pho style bone broth:

Pho is one of my all time favorite things to cook

Making a delicious, gelatinous bone broth is one of the healthiest things you can possibly make!
Jan 23 12 tweets 3 min read

Their health benefits and their uses

(Thread)Image Not only are fresh herbs a wonderful boost of flavor, they also have powerful medicinal properties

Here are my 10 favorite herbs, their benefits, and where to use them:
Jan 21 22 tweets 4 min read

You’ve seen all of health Twitter: AVOID SEED OILS—but what makes them THAT bad?

(Thread)Image Avoidance of seed oils is probably the most talked about topic on health Twitter, almost every health guru has mentioned it. But what’s all the fuss about? Let’s take a deep dive.
Jan 20 17 tweets 4 min read

When & why you should use each one, and what to avoid

To start, let’s clear up a little misconception.

Many people think that the smoke point of a fat is an indicator of how safe it is under heat, but this isn’t the case.

Smoke point is a POOR indicator of how well a fat does under heat.
Jan 16 11 tweets 4 min read

(Thread)Image Before blindly reaching for supplements, you should always be aware of what nutrients you are getting fromt your diet

Getting nutrients from food will be better utilized by the body

AFTER analyzing what you are getting through food, you can think about supplementing
Jan 13 36 tweets 9 min read

In this thread, I’ll go over why each product is bad, natural alternatives/brands you can trust, and ways to make things at home if possible

(MEGA Thread)Image
Before I begin, I just want to say that you do not need to switch every single thing overnight. Being truly healthy is about making small steps over time.

Many of these are very easy/cheap swaps and can be ordered from Amazon.
Jan 9 13 tweets 4 min read
The food industry spends $14 billion a year to trick you into eating their products

“All natural”
“Natural flavors”
“Free range”
“Grass fed”

What do these actually mean? And what should you really look for?

(Thread)Image The center aisles of any grocery stores are loaded with products that clamor about their seemingly beneficial qualities.

The truth is, most people do WANT to eat healthy, they just aren’t informed enough to see through the deceptive food marketing.
Jan 8 26 tweets 4 min read
20 tips to lose 20 pounds in 3 months or less:

(Thread)Image 1. Eat at least 40g of protein for breakfast

This will regulate your appetite the rest of the day. Protein in the morning is associated with both muscle gain AND weight loss!
Jan 5 13 tweets 4 min read
BLOATING is extremely common, but not normal🚨

Here is why you may be experiencing it, and what you can do about it:Image Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

This is where there is an accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine, which interferes with our digestion.

This can cause excess gas which leads to bloating, as well as other gut issues.

A common side effect is immediately “feeling pregnant” after a meal.