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Machiavellianism in the Modern World 55 Essays is my contribution to Civilization Link gives 55 Essays + Twitter Feed, download @CorporateMacBot
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Oct 28, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read

Psychologists and Psychiatrists are False Experts.

Economists are False Experts.

Political Scientists are False Experts.

False Expert = someone who claims to have expertise that they do not actually have

... Psychologists and Psychiatrists think of themselves as being capable of understanding and manipulating human psychology and behavior in the real world,

and sadly for them, they are not.

Politicians, Bankers, Lawyers, Salesmen, Businessmen, and Con Men....can.

Oct 28, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Never enter into or escalate a conflict because your ego tells you to.

Only initiate or escalate conflict IF you calculate the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs.

An ego boost does not count as a benefit,

an insult does not count as a cost.

... This sounds obvious yet most people never figure it out.

Suppose you are walking down the street, and a man insults you.

The correct response?

Oct 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

Autistic men are interesting.

They often have valuable insights, due to being exceptionally good at logical reasoning.

Psychopathic men are impressive due to their sky high stress tolerance.

Narcissistic men are petty and annoying.

... "No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness." -Aristotle

Finance/Law: High IQ Psychopaths excel

Engineering/STEM: High IQ Autists excel
Oct 28, 2021 9 tweets 1 min read

Machiavellianism From My Father

The first place I learned cunning was from my father.

He grew up poor, and managed to go from rags to riches by starting a business.

The main applications of cunning I witnessed him execute?

... -Charming Customers, so that they'd buy product from his business rather than a competitor's

-Persuading Bankers, to lend capital to start and expand his business
Oct 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

If I wanted to destroy a society without War

(no bullets or combat)

what would I do? I would endlessly Print Money and debase the society's currency.

I would endlessly Print Money and cause Inflation, making Wages In Real Terms Go Down; endlessly make a majority of the population (Workers/Wage Earners) poorer on an absolute basis.
Oct 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Things That Are True:

-Employment is the next step in the evolution of Slavery

-A significant percentage of Rich people got their money via illicit means; theft, sometimes legal and sometimes illegal.

-The Economy is not about Free Markets. It is about Hierarchies and Power This is not 'Leftwing Rhetoric'.

It is Reality.

Oct 28, 2021 24 tweets 3 min read


These things are all matters of Life And Death

Ever wonder why people care so much about their level of Wealth and Status?

Ever wonder why people enjoy it when people like them, and hate it when people dislike them?

... It is because in our evolutionary past, and even in our modern world, these things intensely affect one's odds of survival.

Oct 27, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Replace the phrase 'Wealth Inequality'

with 'Death Inequality'

and the world will make more sense.

More Wealth means a higher probability of survival.

Acquiring Wealth is not something you do for your vanity; it is literally a matter of Life And Death. Wealth And Medical Care:

If you are Rich, and you suddenly fall ill,

what will happen?

You can use your money to immediately buy easy access to the best medical care on the planet.

Your odds of survival are great!