courtney | πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡© 😷 πŸ‰ Profile picture
they/them | chronic cultural work | nonbinary queer sick disabled activist | phd candidate | MASK UP | πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡© πŸ‰
Apr 1, 2020 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 7 min read
I've known I have #ADHD for 4 years. I've known I'm #dyslexic & Autistic for 2 months. This semester, I've spent enormous time/energy understanding what this means for me. I am relieved & unbelievably excited; I've found an incredible #ActuallyAutistic community through Twitter; & for the FIRST time in my life (let that sink in) I'm seeing other people talk about experiences that mirror my own. I understand myself in a way that I have tried to find words for my entire life. (TY @SNeurotypicals @steve_asbell @autistictic @A_Silent_Child) #ActuallyAutistic