Deadly virus avoider. Our leaders let the virus win, but we can still change our future. #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #zerocovid #maskswork
Aug 4, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
⚠️😷🚑 NYC: there are MORE people hospitalized with COVID on August 2, 2023 than on August 2, 2020. And we’re not testing hospital admits anymore. Let that sink in. Things are worse now than in 2020 yet our leaders tell us it’s safe to leave home. Gaslighting at its worst.
In 2020 our leaders were on red alert and paused reopening for these numbers. No one should be leaving home without an N95 and partaking in any non-essential activities. Meet on zoom. Get groceries delivered if you can. Avoid sidewalks and parks. Most of all WEAR A RESPIRATOR.