How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App requirements and regulatory compliance), and they oversee your factsheets and public communications (as does internal compliance). For that, most statutory distributor relations cost between 5-10 basis points per year. Kelso/Resolute was Ark's distributor. We agree with Michael on this subject and have had conversations w him about it. Still we all need context around the amounts in question. Passives have a role for sure, but don’t underestimate how much money is sloshing around in the hands of idiots (RobinHODLr’s). Indeed, our feed is swamped by almost identical viewpoints from hundreds of others. Just try investing in Tesla since 2017 and you’ll know what we mean. There is no one real willing to pay these prices for Tezzler shares. ETF's cannot participate in secondaries. So, he has to go to the broader market for support. And the broader market is telling him to stick it next to Vern's sub. Don't believe me? Here's a picture. . .