Malte Ubl Profile picture
@Vercel CTO. he/him
Dec 22, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
OK, OK, we need to talk about rewrites. In fact, I've been wanting to talk about rewrites. First of all @sarah_edo is 100% right. LOL @ rewriting on a regular basis. But just because you don't say "Oh, the system is now 3y old, time to rewrite" doesn't mean you never rewrite 🧵 When I joined Google in 2010 it was very refreshing to join a daunting engineering culture not afraid of rewrites. This was on the backdraw of many of us having read @spolsky's very influential "Joel on Software"…
Oct 25, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
So excited to be at #nextjsconf! Follow along on this 🧵for some background technical info on the things being announced at the keynote today! Releasing Turbopack!
With the alpha version of Turbopack the team at @vercel led by @wSokra, the creator of webpack, is shipping something that has long been a dream of mine: A JS bundler designed from the ground up to support incremental compilation
Oct 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Just a tiny bit hyped Image
Jun 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@aboodman @kentcdodds Tree-shaking: go from entry points and find reachable code. Serialize the visited AST nodes.
DCE: for each symbol, see if it has any references, if no, remove. If n++ < maxNumberOfAttempts repeat. @aboodman @kentcdodds Kent's second tweet mentions something else which is not what is typically referred to as dead code elimination although it does remove dead code. This is constant folding
You want to do that first before the above.
Jun 13, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
So, micro frontends. This might be a word that @shubhie, I, et. al. might have uttered a few times when we were working on this stuff 6-7 years ago. Even back then we might have felt the need to wash our mouth after, but the thing we ended up building was good. A thread: Our mission was to port the good ideas from Google's emerging to be great and now hyper-successful micro service architecture to be available to frontend engineering.