Nicky P Profile picture
3 subscribers
Feb 28 7 tweets 3 min read
Mini thread: All in the WEFamily.
1/ Global Affairs Canada has 8 ongoing projects with Gavi Vaccine Alliance totalling $1,160,324,072.00. Image 2/ Who is the CEO of Gavi?…Image
Feb 9 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Foreign Funding
1/ Global Affairs Canada has been using Canadian tax dollars to fund abortions in foreign nations to the tune of $63,950,000.00 since 2018. Image 2/ Where is this money going?
Directly into the hands of an International NGO(Non-Governmental Organization) called Ipas. Image
Feb 5 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Top NGO USAID recipients (fiscal years 2013-2022) as per FORBES.
1. Catholic Relief Services: $4.6 billion (nonprofit)
2. Chemonics International: $4.5 billion (for-profit)
3. FHI 360: $3.8 billion (nonprofit)
4. Development Alternatives, Inc.: $3 billion (for-profit) 2/
5. ABT Associates, Inc.: $2.6 billion (for-profit)
6. RTI International: $2.3 billion (research institute)
7. John Snow International: $1.8 billion (nonprofit)
8. Save the Children Federation, Inc.: $1.5 billion (nonprofit)
9. ARD, Inc.: $1.5 billion (nonprofit)
Apr 15, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Thread: "For those of you who've always wondered why Obama chose Joe Biden to be his vice-president (or why the controllers who chose Obama picked Biden) take a look:"
1/ Excerpts from Joe Biden Speeches, 2008
Image 2/ Excerpts from Joe Biden Speeches, 2008

Mar 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
How many Canadians know that the pimps pushing free speech censorship laws in Canada is the UN?
How many Canadians know that our gov. isn't even calling the shots; that they're merely implementing regulations to please their masters at UN HQ?
Must read:… 2/ How is it done?
Create the problem:
Every agenda requires
an enemy
a victim
a catalyst
In the case of hate, the gov of Canada is paying activists to push their agenda. Any opposition is labeled 'hate', hence the need for hate speech law.
Feb 2, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Mini Thread:
THE EDUCATION SYSTEM WAS COMPROMISED - Our future generations didn't stand a chance.
1/ "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World"
- Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
This is an exert from a documentary, which in full, I have yet to find.
2/ The book:
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of the America | A Chronological Paper Trail - by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Jan 26, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Thread: Fink is right. This is personal.
1/ In light of Trudeau's UNCONSTITUTIONAL Emergency Measures Act, & given his History of ethics violations, why don't we address BlackRock's in-depth involvement in the CIB & Trudeau's leniency w/BR on national matters & decision-making?

Thread: Fink is right. This is personal.
2/ Image
Dec 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Reminder: Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is their 'Strategic Plan For America', including Canada. As you can tell by the protests on city streets across our nations, they're not hiding it anymore.
The original link was removed so here's the archive:… Third Jihad | Radical Islam's Vision For America…
Oct 12, 2023 54 tweets 18 min read
THREAD: UN Pandemic Treaty
Only WE Stand In Their Way
1/ In May 2024 the UN/WHO will elect themselves as global power over your health(if we let it).
HOW? By Making it LAW; fusing Global Health Law to Human Rights Law
To LIMIT Nationalism/Opposition.
Image 2/ This thread is a blatant ADMISSION that nationalists are their ONLY opposition to achieving total control over the world's health.

The SOURCE: "UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS - Union des Associations Internationales | UIA Document Archive":
Sep 24, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
1/🇨🇦The Digital Transformation of Ukraine is a UN Experiment & Canadians have NO CLUE they're funding a future Canada of enslavement under a digital government system.

THIS is the war Canada is funding. Ukraine's success is tantamount to Canada's Digital Transformation.
2/ 🇨🇦What will a Digital Government look like & what will it control?
- Digital ID & Passport
- Digital E-Driving license
- Digital Vaccine Certificate
- Digital Taxpayer Code
- Digital Student ID
- Digital Signature
- Digital QR
- Digital Enforcement
- Digital Residence Permit

May 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Just when you think your
vote doesn't matter,
1/ In 2021, the Liberal Party set a record for the LOWEST EVER share of the popular vote for a party forming a government. That share was 32.6% of voters. NDP was at 7.6%. ALWAYS REMEMBER🇨🇦
2/ Voter turnout was only 62.3%, which means almost 40% of Canadians DID NOT VOTE.
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I've worked in advertising for 2+ decades.
Advertisers have been part of the UN Agenda since its birth as members of the 1001Club.
'They' believe they're untouchable.
Michel Doukeris, AB InBev CEO of Anheuser-Busch,
is part in the same club, direct from China & WEF.

👀Eyes open. ImageImage History bits:
The 1001 Club became the WWF(World Wildlife Fund). Behind the cloak of conserving nature, they focused on land & resource acquisitions, race sciences/eugenics and one world government.

Now does it make sense that they're pushing the transgender agenda? ImageImageImageImage
Mar 24, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Mini thread:
1/ "Corruption in Canada WORST IN A DECADE" finds international watchdog Canada suffered the largest Corruption Point Index(CPI) drop in the world since 2017; even surpassing some of the most corrupt countries on earth. 2/ Judging by the size of Trudeau's bank account it seems he is excelling on the corruption & human rights violation scale. Heck, he's become an expert on 'evading accountability'. Just like a spoiled, compromised, little rich kid who never gets punished.
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
1/ Answer to Ben's Q:
Biden & Trudeau are equal. They both share the same 🌐Agenda led by the same puppetmasters. We know Trudeau's TraitorousWays but what about Biden's? Check out these exerts from Biden's past speeches b4 he lost his marbles.
Same agenda in🇺🇸as in 🇨🇦 2/ Biden's past NWO speeches along with a few words from Senator 'no-name' himself.
Mar 5, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Thread: SOROS
Vancouver is dying
1/ Who's responsible? Who is at the root of the problem? Globalists have managed to manipulate the public into believing 'drug use' is a social stigma that needs to be coddled & it's having some devastating effects.
2/ This shit show is a Soros Agenda(c.2003). His target wasn't just America. He's influenced$ the destruction of 🇨🇦as well; from the legalization of drugs, ending prison time for drug possession to abortion, euthanasia, immigration & environmental justice.…
Jan 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Mini Thread:
Interesting that the most popular drinks on the planet(CocaCola, Nesley & Red Bull) all started off as pharmaceutical potions which came to power using marketing manipulation.
1. The Untold Truth of Red Bull (It's NOT a drinks company)
2. The Disturbing History of Coca-Cola
Jan 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Medical Assistance in Dying(MAID)

FACT: "Canada killed more people with lethal injections last year than any other country on Earth."
- Kevin Yuill, a professor who spoke at the Euthanasia Symposium in Brussel in Nov (2021). Image 2/
This official Canadian government document… claims that existing MAID legislation was likely saving $87million in taxpayer-funded healthcare costs. Expanding the MAID Program in March to included the mentally ill would save a further $62million.
Sep 27, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Eugenics, depopulation, the New World Order... they all existed long before the left labeled them conspiracies. Ask yourself: How many in Canadian Gov today are Rhodes Scholars?
"Cecil Rhodes, The Roundtable Movement and Eugenics. - Quick read at 5 pages.…
Image Is it a coincidence that Sir Julian Huxley, head of the Eugenics Society, founded UNESCO(UN Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization) which aims at promoting WorldPeace & Security through international cooperation in education, sciences, & culture?

Smoke and mirrors. Image
Sep 14, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Thread: COVIDvax Tidbits.
What they're NOT telling you.
1) The mRNA gene-encoded vaccine technology for Sars-COVID-2 was developed under & funded by DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 2012 under the ADEPT:PROTECT Program.
DL the pdf here:…Image
2) Moderna teamed up with DARPA as a contracted performer on the program. The first ever COVID-vaccine clinical trials did not occur until March 2020. Pfizer & AstraZeneca then used their technology to create the vaccines being administered today. Image
Jan 10, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Illusion: Thread
1/ Have you ever asked yourself
"Who advises WHO to make decisions on our behalf?"

Have any of you ever asked
"Who decided wearing masks & lock down is beneficial for our health?"

Have any of you ever wondered
"Who is ORDERING WHO to inoculate you?"

I know... Image 2/ Their name is SAGE.
Ever heard of the 'Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization'? No? They advise the "WHO on global policies, strategies ranging from vaccines & tech, research & development, delivery of immunization & linkages to 'other' health interventions." Image
Nov 18, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Remember folks. Provincial Representatives in our Federal Election were CHOSEN using Dominion Voting Machines. This is much bigger than you think. A few reminders about Elections Canada & the Liberal Party:
1. The Cover up by Elections Canada re: illegal donations to the Liberal Party.…Image