beanieflower ✩🌱 🏳️‍⚧️ Profile picture
Writer, grandparent, neuroqueer living on Wurundjeri land. Ze/they. StarDanpat. Marvel nerd. Trekkie. Tweets are opinion. #TransRightsAreHumanRights
Sep 26 61 tweets 7 min read
Back for the afternoon session of #DeemingvPesutto. Have a good lunch?

Collins says there has been quite a lot of distraction from the public gallery, and asks the judge to remind them that they're here to observe, not participate. Back on the media release. Did Pesutto believe Deeming had been associating with neo-Nazis?

Pesutto: no.

Sep 26 47 tweets 5 min read
Back with #DeemingvPesutto.

Chrysanthou suggests that entire paragraphs of Pesutto's affidavit are not true.

Pesutto disagrees. Now asking about the press release which announced the expulsion motion. The final draft shows a change in language from "resignation" to "expulsion".

Pesutto says he can't recall communicating with his head of communications about the change in wording. #DeemingvPesutto
Sep 26 63 tweets 6 min read
Good morning, folks. Time for another day of #DeemingvPesutto (apologies for the abrupt cut-off yesterday). Cross-examination of Pesutto resumes.

Was Pesutto told on 15/3 that Deeming was promoting an "anti-trans rally"?

Pesutto can't recall.
Sep 25 35 tweets 4 min read
Back for the afternoon session of #DeemingvPesutto.

Pesutto is still being cross-examined. Chrysanthou off the mark immediately, asking if Pesutto agrees with the need for "women's spaces".

Pesutto says this is a wide-ranging question. There are lots of things to be considered here.
Sep 25 95 tweets 10 min read
Good morning, folks! Time for another day of #DeemingvPesutto.

First up will be the continuation of Pesutto's cross-examination. @threadreaderapp unroll please
Sep 24 23 tweets 3 min read
Back with #DeemingvPesutto.

Collins: the afternoon news on channel 9 on 19/3/23 - still before Pesutto's media release - shows that the narrative has been established. Now watching the channel 9 report, which is highly political of the Victoria Police's actions at the 18/3/23 rally. #DeemingvPesutto
Sep 24 57 tweets 6 min read
Good morning folks. Time for another day of #DeemingvPesutto.

(Apologies for not tweeting yesterday - life annoyingly got in the way.) Collins up with his opening submission.

Start by establishing the requirement for Liberal Party members to adhere to standards of diversity and inclusion, and to avoid division. Deeming knew this.
Sep 20 62 tweets 7 min read
Wow. Someone posted a screenshot from the proceedings on Twitter. That's a no-no.

Judge orders the post removed immediately or else cause must be shown by contempt proceedings should not commence.

#DeemingvPesutto Renee Heath called to the stand.

Sep 20 83 tweets 10 min read
Good morning, folks. Ready for another day of #DeemingvPesutto? No re-examination for Deeming. I imagine she's relieved to not have to be on the stand any longer - two full days is a *lot*.
Sep 19 51 tweets 6 min read
Back with #DeemingvsPesutto , going through Deeming's response to the expulsion motion dossier. Deeming's response was not sent until the morning of the vote to expel. She cites her reason for doing this as because of "leaks".
Sep 19 51 tweets 6 min read
Back with #DeemingvPesutto.

Deeming now accepts that the "Unshackled" video was part of materials she handed over in discovery, but gosh darn her memory fails her as to whether she'd ever seen it before yesterday. Deeming says she watched video of the Nazis on Parliament steps on the day of the rally, but only in "fast-forward", so she didn't hear Sewell's speech.
Sep 13 59 tweets 7 min read
Just before the afternoon session of Monica Smit v Victoria Police costs hearing ...

I've been looking up the offence Judge Tran mentioned might be a concern in relation to Smit's McKenzie friend.
1/- There is a fine line someone must walk between providing general assistance and legal advice. Instructions are provided for potential McKenzie friends, and they and the litigant are encouraged to seek actual legal advice.
Sep 13 70 tweets 8 min read
Morning, folks ... it's time for the costs hearing for Monica Smit v Victoria Police.

Quick recap ... Judge Tran declared two of Smit's three arrests unlawful, and ordered $4000 in damages to be paid.
1/- Smaller crowd than yesterday. Guess the prospect of Smit having to pay any costs is not something they want to watch.
Sep 12 53 tweets 5 min read
It's the Judgment Day episode of "Monica Smit sues Victoria Police". Wonder what the outcome will be, and how long before Smit works out a new grift to exploit it?
1/- All the usual suspects have turned up for Smit's big moment - plus a few more. Uh-oh, someone's gonna get kicked out of the security seats in a minute.
Aug 19 101 tweets 11 min read
Back with the afternoon session of "Monica Smit auditions for Law & Order". Everyone have a good lunch?
1/- I'm still not over Smit justifying not calling her father because he's old and wanted to watch the whole trial.

I mean ... it's probably true, but what sort of nonsense is that?

Aug 19 6 tweets 1 min read
Back with Monica Smit v VicPol.

Smit says that her book was not even an idea until someone suggested she write it. It's easy to take that book and poke holes in it 3 years later. 1/- Crucially, Smit admits that her book is NOT an accurate account of what happened on that day. 2/-
Aug 19 125 tweets 14 min read
Here we are again, folks - it's final submissions day for Monica Smit's quest to make the police pay for being meanie poopooheads. Everyone have a nice weekend?
1/- My guess as to what her closing will entail:

1. She was a journalist doing her job.
2. She was a harmless girl in a long skirt and didn't need handcuffs.
3. The judge should trust her edited videos, not raw bodycam footage.
Aug 16 42 tweets 5 min read
We're back back back back back again, with the afternoon session of Defence final submissions for "Monica Smit v Victoria Police. Everyone have a good lunch?
1/- Defence submits that the Judge should look at bodycam footage rather the compilation submitted by Smit, since the compilations are potentially incomplete and misleading. 2/-
Aug 16 60 tweets 7 min read
Good morning, all! Time for another round of "Monica Smit sues VicPol". Closing arguments will start today. Betcha thought we'd never get here.
1/- The mic is unmuted, but we're just going through housekeeping. More documents for Judge Tran to read.
Aug 13 82 tweets 8 min read
Good morning, everyone. Time for a new episode of 'Monica Smit v VicPol'. Today should be the final day for witnesses.

Assuming Space Karen doesn't break the platform with his Giant Cheeto Baby interview.
1/- Still waiting for the Zoom link to go live. Who knows, maybe Space Karen's phantom DDOS attack took it down. 2/-
Aug 12 46 tweets 5 min read
New witness incoming. Smit wants to not cross-examine today, but the defence says that the witness has been waiting around for 90 minutes now and the court has already had lots of delays.
1/- New witness: Leading Senior Constable Jack Radavanovic (sp?).

He was at the Treasury Gardens to enforce CHO directions in relation to an anticipated protest.
