𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 🇺🇸 Profile picture
I am the millionaire educator that is turning 𝕏 into my personal Art Gallery.
Emma Hayward Profile picture Following the breath Profile picture Mark Profile picture Frodrick Williams Profile picture Hasan Ameer Ali Profile picture 26 subscribed
Jun 28 12 tweets 2 min read
I've sold over $1,000,000 online...

Here's everything I know about building an online biz:

1. Building an audience an online audience is more valuable than an Ivy League degree 2. Adopt the Creator Mindset - 90% of X users consume / 9% comment / 1% Solve problems - be in the 1% that solves problems

3. You need to move fast (and take action)

4. Make as many friends as possible

5. Focus on making money from day one

6. Hit publish every SINGLE DAY
Jun 4, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I turned 43 today...

If you're in your 20s, read this: Forgive your parents

Understand that your parents are only human. And we all make mistakes. Forgive past trauma with your parents and take full responsibility for your future actions.
Apr 13, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
I taught public school for 20 years and have a Master's in Education.

The #1 lesson I learned?

Homeschool your kids...

Here's 9 reasons you should take your kids out of public school: 1. You treated like a number (not a person)

The typical kid spends:
- 8+ hours a day
- 5 days a week
- 200 days a year w/the same kids

All stuck within the same 4-walls

Kids should be out in the fresh air, with different age groups, and taught at a speed that helps them learn.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read

Registration has OPENED for our 30-day cohort

If your goals are to:
• 10x your Twitter following
• Earn your first $10,000 online
• Turn your account into a digital asset

...then Create, Publish, Profit is for YOU

We are now accepting applications👇 On April 4th @SaveYourSons, @waronweakness, @getpaidwrite, @heyjoeyjustice, @sanathemonster and I will mentor YOU

Over 30 days, we will help you develop the skills you need to become a highly paid creator

Our knowledge becomes your knowledge...

+ we bring MASSIVE results ImageImageImageImage
Dec 3, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
21 lessons every man must learn by age 30: 1) Forgive your parents

The day you forgive them is the day your life changes.

Your parents are human.
All humans make mistakes.

You are aware now, it's your responsibility to do your best, heal and break the cycle.
Nov 3, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Elon Musk is worth $209.1 Billion

- He founded Paypal at 28
- He founded SpaceX at 31
- He became CEO of Telsa at 37
- He became CEO of Twitter at 51

Here are his top 17 lessons that will teach you more about business than a Harvard MBA: Image 1. Quality > Quantity

Surround yourself with the right circle of friends.

"Numbers will never compensate for talent. Two people who don't know something are no better than one. They tend to slow down progress." - Elon Musk
Oct 27, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
17 lessons I learned from being dead broke to becoming a millionaire before age 39: 1: Take Extreme Action

I taught public school for 20 years.

I've worked with 1000s of entrepreneurs.

The #1 indicator of success is the willingness to take action:

Not IQ
Not genetics
Not even talent

Losers wait until tomorrow
Winners get it done TODAY
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read

Registration has OPENED for our 30-day cohort

If your goals are to:
• Start an online business
• Grow your Twitter following 10x
• Turn your account into a digital asset

...then Create, Publish, Profit is for YOU

We are now accepting applications👇 Starting on October 5th @SaveYourSons, @waronweakness, @getpaidwrite and I will mentor YOU.

During these 30-days, we will help you develop the skills you need to become a highly paid content creator.

Our knowledge becomes your knowledge

+ we will bring you MASSIVE results.
Sep 1, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
If I had to do it all over again and my goal was to become a millionaire in 5 years, this is exactly what I’d do: Image 1: Define Goals

You are 50% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down.

Here's how:

• Write the result you want in life
• Make outcomes specific + tangible
• Determine your next move
Jul 14, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
At age 39 I became a millionaire.

If I had to do it over again and become a millionaire by age 30

This is exactly what I would do... Image 1: Stop Watching TV

99% of what you see on TV is designed around negativity. News is designed to keep you in a state of fear. Advertisements are used to manipulate you because fear makes great consumers.

Avoid the cycle.
Jun 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Lessons for young men:

1 You aren't owed anything
2 Practice extreme optimism
3 Learn how to set boundaries
4 Never take family for granted
5 You can’t be friends with everyone
6 Earn more/spend less to be wealthy
7 It's okay to take breaks...

//Thread 1 You aren't owed anything

People want to believe the world owes them something. It doesn't. If you want something done, you need to work on it yourself (and that’s ok). You have to earn everything in life.

There is nothing else to it.
Jun 3, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
Today I turn 42.

Here are 42 lessons that I learned (about wealth, money, & life) over the past 42 years.

//THREAD 1. Reverse engineer your life.

Think about what you want and take steps to make it happen. Become an outcome-driven person. This is how you win.

2. Always play the long game.

Most people are impulsive. Instead, focus on long-term gains and you will be ahead of 90% of the pack.
Apr 22, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
At age 39 I became a millionaire.

No luck. No privilege. No excuses. Just action.

Here are the 21 actions I took so you can become one too: Image 1. I reverse-engineered my life. At age 32, I decided to become wealthy. From there I put the mental pieces in place…

2. I made hard decisions. I sold a Mustang convertible and bought a Nissan Leaf. I understood that if you aren’t rich you don’t deserve rich things.
Feb 10, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
I built a +93,000 follower audience, made hundreds of thousands online, and even been offered equity in companies...

All because I started a Twitter account.

Here are my 9 best secrets (for free): 1. Your content is your brand.

Make content the #1 driver behind your Twitter account.

Step 1: Create
Step 2: Analyze
Step 3: Repeat

This is the success formula.

Keep improving what works by using content as a form of market research.
Jan 31, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I spent 20 years teaching public school, and have a Master's Degree in Education.

Trust me: Homeschool your children I want to address WHY...

Schools are no longer about learning,

It’s about passing
It's about test scores
It's a babysitting service

It's NOT about education

You take a test. Repeat “facts”. Get a good grade.
Jan 12, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
How to go viral (without getting lucky)

copy & paste these 10 proven methods

// THREAD 1) The More You X, The More You Y

Comparisons always work well as tweets. Just make sure to make "X" something everyone can relate to.

Being smart, getting older, living life...
Oct 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Want to make money on Twitter?

👉 Learn all of our strategies, secrets, and methods to build your own Twitter money-printing machine.

We will be your mentor.

Introducing: Create, Grow, Profit

10X Your Twitter in 30 Days👇 Create, Grow, Profit is a cohort that will 10x your results with 1/10th the time, energy, & effort of figuring it out on your own.

It is 30 Days of custom (zero guesswork) lessons designed to take you from beginner to mastery.

Our knowledge becomes your knowledge.
Sep 29, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
In my first year, I crossed 100K in sales.

To celebrate, I want to share with you 15 lessons I learned along the way.

This THREAD will make you money…🥂 1 You need to move fast (and take action)

Most are held back by limiting beliefs.

To make money online you need to work fast. Execute. Constantly create. Be relentless. This will allow you to get in the zone and will lead to better performance.

Google: creativity faucet
Sep 23, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
10 Proven Methods to Go Viral

Copy and paste these templates to gain 1000s of followers

//thread// Image 1. Tweet About Rules

This method works because people secretly love rules. I learned this while teaching. When you give children firm rules, they respond better. Adults aren't much different.

Write a tweet (be assertive) & tell the audience what to do. They will love you. ImageImage
Aug 12, 2021 24 tweets 6 min read
Rules for Life

21 lessons every man must learn

// thread 1. The world doesn't owe you anything

If you want something done, you need to work for it yourself. You aren't entitled to anything. No one owes you a dime. Your life is in your hands. That is what makes life exciting.
Aug 3, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
Want to live life on easy mode?

15 psychological paradoxes that will give you an unfair advantage

// THREAD 1 Trying to be happy will make you unhappy

Modern society tells us we need to be happy. This is a myth. There is no one way to be happy. There is no formula. When you lead a life of purpose and accomplishment you will be naturally happy.

Happiness is a result.