Dr Emily Cooper Profile picture
Senior Lecturer @uclanjustice; Senior RF @thevkpp. Geographer. Mum of 4. Tweets child loss, SUDC, sex work, digital-sexual exploitation, fraud, policing, VAWG.
Dec 3, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
It's very difficult to know where to start with this post but I felt it was easier than updating everyone individually & I want to be honest with those who so kindly follow our story.About 4 weeks ago, we received the news, almost 2 years after Alexander's death, that he died 1/? Image that he died from a genetic abnormality called a PPA2 mutation that Darren and I are carriers for. It's currently a very new finding that science is only just catching up with & therefore you will not find much information about it aside from those who've died, like Alexander 2/?
Dec 1, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
It's the 1st December. I want to channel how I'm feeling into something positive & so would like to share a little more about what we know happened to Alexander in the hope it'll raise awareness of #sudc. I'm so grateful for the support that has given me strength to speak (1/?) Image As many know, our lovely 3 year old son Alexander died on Boxing Day 2021. He had mild tummy bug symptoms over Christmas but otherwise seemed a little under the weather, nothing more. He danced to the Masked Singer with Freddie on Christmas Day night. One of my treasured memories