Sam Connor Profile picture
human + disability rights activist | cofounder bolshy divas | social media assassin | cripchick | disability consultant | views are my own | sam-i-AM
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Mar 13 11 tweets 2 min read
I have looked at this for days and days and I cannot accept these statistics, but they are true.

I will write to the @NDIS and the @NDISCommission and perhaps a journalist will pick up the story.

But the fact is, we are dying at unprecedented rates under the 'new' NDIS. #auspol 2/ Here are the main takehomes.

Key Findings from an FOI just in

NDIS participants experience overall mortality rates 24-65% higher than the general Australian population.

Female NDIS participants die at rates 1.75-2.34 times higher than women in the general population.
Feb 11 7 tweets 2 min read
Last week, I was asked to be on @SbsInsight to provide a counter argument against the lawyers representing plaintiffs in anti vax cases - the ones who lost their jobs. Episode tomorrow: My Body, My Choice.

I won't be appearing. Because they have a strict 'no mask policy'. 2/ Not even kidding. They asked if I could go hard to provide a decent counter argument based on the safety of people with disability and why people should be vaccinated.

I made it clear that I always mask and it hasn't impacted the audio on QandA, the Drum, etc.

But, nope.
Jan 14 19 tweets 3 min read
I had a mother's look at the National Autism Strategy.

As many of us have already said, it's not great and is weak on a number of points - especially in the face of so many autistic people being thrown off the #NDIS.

But here is an analysis from POV of the intersect with DRC. 2/ On federal employment reforms

The Strategy identifies employment barriers but lacks clear strategic direction on Australian Government's role in reforming DES, despite DRC highlighting systemic failures. Notable omission given this is squarely within federal control.
Dec 18, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Let’s talk about the Disability Discrimination Act.

The Disability Royal Commission said that it should be reformed. It doesn’t work.

They are right. When Sheila King lost her case against Jetstar in 2011, she had to pay $10,000 in costs.

That’s why we need a new DDA. 2/ The DDA works - or doesn’t work - like this.

I put in a complaint against @JetstarAirways today with the @AusHumanRights Commission. We will go to conciliation.

@RosemaryKayess knows how shit the DDA is, firsthand. The conciliation will fail, because we will not agree.
Dec 15, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read

This is bad. And this is now. Let’s talk about the codesign process that the NDIA are undertaking right now. Or, as we like to call it - the ratification of a foregone conclusion.

Remember NDIS independent assessments? #independentAssessments #auspol 2/ Today, the DROs - I’m assuming @dana_advocacy, @PWDAustralia, @WWDA_AU, @NEDA_PeakBody, @AfdoOffice , @FPDNAus, maybe organisations like @pda_au - will be attending a ‘meeting on codesign’. Which isn’t exactly what it sounds like - hey, @NDIS?
Dec 14, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Younger folk may ask ‘who was Kevin Andrews?’

He was the Social Services Minister in 2013-14. I will speak neutrally about what I recall of him, because he’s dead.

Condolences to his family, friends and those who liked him. *takes a deep breath* 2/ Social Services Minister, Andrews introduced harsher measures for the Disability Support Pension, including stricter eligibility criteria, more frequent assessments for recipients under 35, and the use of government-contracted doctors to assess new claims.
Dec 12, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
I'm having some mental problems because, well, I'm mental.

Some of them come from the fact that my friend, who was being harassed by our shared stalker and her flying monkeys, unalived herself.

When I found out that she was dead, I named two of them. 2/ I did not say they had killed her. She took her own life. But I did say 'Well done, x and x. Nobody deserves to be harassed unto death.'

I stand by that. Because half of a dozen of her last Facebook posts, and almost all of our messages, included great distress over stalking.
Nov 22, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
So, the ChatGPT rundown aside - I had a mother's look and yes, yes this is happening.

Brand shiny new.

As of yesterday.

You can read it here.…

The information that @KurtsViews has posted is correct.

This is a breakdown of what it says.… 2/ This Bill is about Operation Ironside, which was a massive police investigation into organised crime. During this operation, AFP created and distributed thooper-special phones with an app called AN0M to catch criminals.
Nov 22, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
I thought I should put the one or two page submission in from an individual viewpoint, as well.

So here's my other submission.

The Great Digital Nanny State
(Or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Ban) 2/ Oh glorious guardians of our online sphere,
Who've discovered why they've been so worried all year:
Those dangerous teens on their Insta and Snap,
Who clearly need saving from this digital trap!
Nov 21, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
Okay, I have spent some time analysing the kids' social media ban Bill and holy hell, this is bad.

You have one day (til COB tomorrow) to get a letter of submission in and I think it would be great if you did.

Analysis. @DavidShoebridge @AdamBandt @SenatorJordon @Asher_Wolf. 2/ Firstly, here are the key parts of the Bill and their hidden impacts:

Surveillance Infrastructure Creation: From Bill Section 63D and 63F:
- Requires platforms to "take reasonable steps" to verify age
- Allows collection and storage of identity verification data
Nov 19, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
Reading a book in German about Aktion T4, about the disabled children who were the first victims of the Holocaust.

Horrifying that they were in religious, including Catholic institutions and sent to their deaths from there.

Here are some of the details. 2/ 'In the files of the Ansbach expert childcare unit, the nurses noted brief characteristics of the children who were later killed.

They were forced to die because the ward doctor Asam-Bruckmüller stated: "It is not to be expected that he/she will become a capable compatriot."'
Nov 7, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
This is a lengthy thread about the proposal by @AlboMP to put in place a social media ban.

This is a bad and unworkable idea. It is not about safety for our kids.

Let me talk for a minute about why there are concerns, including around rights & privacy, for Australian citizens. 2/ The biggest concern by far is that Aus does NOT have sophisticated legislation to protect citizens' rights.

And with players like former Ministers Victor Dominello (ServiceGen) & Stuart Robert monetising their experience in govt digital services...…Image
Nov 3, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
So disabled people are being told that the NDIA want them to sign up to the app and use the identity verification protocols. I assume for data matching. However, there are privacy issues with the app and what is currently being carried out by Services Australia/NDIA.

Listen up. 2/ The my NDIS app gathers extensive personal and sensitive data, including navigation and identity verification information. It undermines privacy rights and contradict principles seen in international standards, where data collection is often more limited and specific.
Oct 1, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
The transitional rule with the lists has been sent out. And there are going to be a hell of a lot of unhappy campers. #auspol

Especially those who were at AAT fighting for a support. Stay tuned for this shit to drop properly.

I can pull out an AAT decision.... 2/ ...for every now banned item, the items excluded under the new NDIS lists, supported by cases where the AAT found such supports to be reasonable and necessary and which contradicts the lists.

Let me explain that.
Sep 20, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, an angry Bill Shorten told a disability conference that there were '13,000 NDIS participants who had 'chosen not to reply to us for well over a year'.

Today, I was told that there were 3,000 who had NEVER ever spoken with anyone at the NDIA. #auspol 2/ He was angry. Not even a postcard, he said. And I am guessing that their funding is still being spent, because if they were dead or missing, surely, surely, they would know.

But surely he knows how many people have 'preferred method of contact, email' on their case file?
Sep 12, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
My response to recent community criticism of Bill Shorten on 'caring'.

'My personal view is this. That Shorten did deeply care about the NDIS, for whatever reason. I do know that he was largely blindsided by the National Cabinet decision of an 8% cut (aka 'growth target').' 2/ I believe he fought for the NDIS and people with disability. Some people say that it was about it being the Cinderella portfolio, that he used it to get to where he got to, but I think that he did care about fairness and unfairness and that he was an ally for a very long time.
Sep 6, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
Here are the rest of the changes to the NDIS that were discussed long before the NDIS Review dropped. They planned it before Lisa Paul, Bill Shorten's new employer at the University of Canberra, had handed down the NDIS Review.

This was the LNP's plan.…
2/ Important to remember that Albanese and National Cabinet handed down the instruction, after discussion behind closed doors, to cut the NDIS. They framed it as an '8% growth target'. After the Redbridge focus groups, they worked out how to sell it to the public.
Aug 31, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
I see the NDIA have put out a new publication - the Handbook for the Recently Defunded.

It has some suggestions for new goals to replace your old goals. <s> #auspol #SaveOurNDIS #NDIS Description of the Image: Title Text: The text "HANDBOOK FOR THE Recently Defunded" is written in a serif font, with "Recently Defunded" mimicking the font used in the original "Recently Deceased" title. The design gives the appearance of an official or formal document.  Illustration: Below the title, there is an illustration showing the back of a person in a wheelchair, holding a document in one hand, with their other hand open as if in a gesture of confusion or helplessness. The image is set against a torn, yellowish background, suggesting a sense of loss or ... 2/ 1. NDIS Goal: Improving mobility - prosthetics Unfunded New Goal: Harvest politician's legs for spare parts
2.  NDIS Goal: Improving nutrition Unfunded New Goal: Master the art of photosynthesis using politicians' hot air
Aug 25, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
Australia's peak disability organisations, lawyers, academics and others stood together to say no to this Bill & to say it would institutionalise, harm & endanger people with disability.

Yes. We do understand this. We live this life. We understand the legislation inside & out. 2. Here is a statement from First Peoples' Disability Network, who said that this Bill should not go through and would be bad for First Nations Peoples.

The Labor and Liberal governments ignored them. #auspol…
Aug 19, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
Appears that Labor are part of a reverse regulatory capture process by big providers. Going through all the legislative changes in detail, I see things.

And woaaaahhhhh. Hassan Noura is on their Board. You know. The McKinsey guy who was in charge of the NDIS Razor Gang. #Auspol 2/ Fasten your seatbelts, kiddies. This is a bit of a ride. @SquigglyRick @mariehjohnson

So I noticed first that there was a change in a piece of legislation that was about who gets to be thrown into a nursing home. It's not the Aged Care Act. It's another piece of legislation.
Aug 14, 2024 48 tweets 8 min read
For God's sake, @DSSgovau @EngageDSSgovau.

You gave the entire sector TWO WEEKS to look at madly complicated lists that will exclude us from NDIS supports - and didn't provide any easy English. #EasyEnglish #Easyread.

And then, with FOUR DAYS TO GO, you finally publish - what? 2/ Your alleged easy English leaves out whole categories and even the discussion paper is wrong.

This is discrimination against disabled people. Going to lodge a DDA complaint, cos this is ridiculous and we have no other recourse. @inclusionoz, @DownSyndromeNSW, @VALID_Inc FYI