hoeem Profile picture
I will teach you how to navigate the world of cryptocurrency. Learn with me and sail to financial freedom!
Nuggies Profile picture Jerome Ku Profile picture noneoftheabove2024 Profile picture Captain ₿ulltoshi (🏴‍☠️,⛵) ( Ξ,⚖️) Profile picture 雷神Value(✊, ⬜) Profile picture 42 subscribed
Jun 5 13 tweets 4 min read
AI, Gaming, and DePIN are three of the hottest narratives this cycle.

There’s one common denominator.

> GPUs

If you can find protocols that can facilitate GPU capacity on-chain then you can passively invest in all three narratives.

Here’s what I wish I knew sooner: 🧵👇 Image 1: The Demand for GPUs is Soaring!

Every day, the need for powerful GPUs climbs higher, especially with AI and gaming booming, for example NVIDIA just reported record quarterly rev of $26b, up 262% from a year ago.

But, there’s a snag—supply issues, soaring costs, and nasty bottlenecks.Image
May 29 14 tweets 5 min read
I’ve spoken to multiple crypto millionaires and have asked them: How do you find alpha?

Funny enough…

Almost all of them mentioned the same free to use research tools to find alpha.

Here are their top 10: 🧵👇 Image Before we begin the list:

> Bookmark + like above 👆

You’ll want to refer to these tools in the future to find your own alpha, so then…

> Let’s give you the inside scoop 👇
May 26 11 tweets 5 min read
I have been in crypto for 3+ years.

In my first year I wasted money following influencers calls and chasing pump and dumps.

If you’re in your first year, please open this: 🧵👇 Image 1: Keep your assets liquid

I once locked $10,000 in a crypto token during a market upswing, and it ballooned to over $350,000.

But because it was locked, I couldn't cash out—by the time I could, it was only worth $1,900.

Remember, the ability to act when the market shifts is as crucial as the investment itself.

Keep your assets accessible so you're always in control.Image
May 9 22 tweets 16 min read
How to trade memecoins.

A memecoin masterclass: 🧵👇 Image My friend, @CryptoKoryo released a video on “how to trade memes”.

It’s 80 mins long and one of the most comprehensive video guides I’ve watched on the topic.

I wanted to write notes to help improve my memecoin trading skills.

Here’s the notes of the 80 min vid in a thread:
May 7 20 tweets 7 min read
What do the following narratives have in common?

> AI
> GameFi
> RWAs

They all have 10x potential.

Here’s two top picks for each narrative: 🧵👇 Image I have been busy of late so my friend:

> @dontbuytops

Kindly offered to write details on my favourite picks for each narrative.

Before we begin:

> Like + bookmark above 👆
> Follow Ferr (@dontbuytops).

Let’s dive into each pick: 👇
May 6 8 tweets 3 min read
Imagine having a $100k liquidity provision earning 1.857% yield every day.

> $1862 a day.
> $13,038 a week.
> $677,990 a year.

Friend Tech liquidity provision is printing and you can track your earnings live: 🧵 👇 Image Obviously that’s not how an LP works in reality but you can see exactly what your LP is doing live.

> @whale_hunter_ made a dashboard.

Make sure you follow Whale Hunter as he creates insane dashboards.

I’m going to walk through it in this thread and provide a link at the end.
May 2 10 tweets 4 min read
Blockchains without real use-case? Worthless

Blockchains with real use-case? Limitless

Imagine if I told you a messenger app with 900 million + monthly global users was going to tokenise 12 months ago, you’d think I’m crazy?

You need to pay atten𝐭i𝐨𝐧: 🧵👇 Image This thread will:

> Give you the rundown
> Give you ways to get started

I’m working together with TON this month to bring attention to how you can get your hands on incentives (yes, incentives) for utilising one of the exciting layer 1s in crypto to date.

Let’s go: 👇
Apr 6 24 tweets 8 min read
I joined crypto in 2021, ten months after the halvening, I did over 100x on my portfolio.

I took my portfolio from $2.7k to $392k.

You’re still early to the madness of a bull.

Here’s my top bull market hacks to maximise the remainder of this bull: 🧵👇 Image This is a compilation of all the top bull market hacks I learnt from when I managed to 100x my portfolio.

This is years of experience in one thread, you should bookmark, and perhaps leave a like as well for 100x karma.

I joined well after the halving.

You’re still early: 👇
Apr 3 10 tweets 4 min read
Follow the money, find the opportunity.

In the last 7 days the stables on Base increased by 53.26% to $1.409b.

In the last 7 days their total value locked increased 14.74% to $1.217b.

Base has 10x opportunity.

Here’s 7 top coins you NEED to pay attention to on Base: 🧵👇 Image I have investigated the top coins on Base held by smart money on @ChainEDGE_io.

Please leave a like above as it has taken me hours, thank you: 👆

> What is smart money?

Smart money is the top 0.01% of profitable traders on-chain.

We’re investigating THEIR money: 👇
Apr 3 9 tweets 3 min read
This is a smart money wallet.

It has made $1 mill+ profit in 180 days from trading different narratives.

I needed to know what he’s buying now.

Here’s what I found: 🧵👇 Image 1: How did I find this wallet?

I utilised my favourite “smart money” tool in ChainEDGE (@ChainEDGE_io).

I looked for wallets that have boasted large realised gains that are active trading narratives.

This one fit the bill (I’ll give it to you at the end of this thread): 👇
Mar 18 16 tweets 5 min read
People made 7 figures+ buying the dip after the Bitcoin ETF approval.

Not from buying blind, but by buying winners.

95% of you don’t know how to do it effectively, yet the strategy is easy to learn.

No more secrets, here’s how you do it: 🧵👇 Image Firstly, make sure you bookmark this post, this will be your go to guide for when we get serious red in the market.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮:

A: What dip to buy.
B: What coins to buy on a dip.

Let’s get straight to it 🫵👇
Mar 14 22 tweets 8 min read
If you don’t understand 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 you will get 𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐭 during this crypto cycle.

Most of you will give back all of your gains because you don’t understand it.

Let’s change that today.

This is crucial to learn & the most important post that you’ll read: 🧵👇 Image This thread will showcase you:

- What are tokenomics?
- Understanding supply & demand
- Distribution
- Utility, governance, incentives & rewards

At the end of this thread I’ll give you my tokenomics checklist from my “DYOR” guide along with the guide.

Bookmark 👆& dive in 👇
Mar 13 15 tweets 5 min read
95% of you are not going to make it if you only trade and utilise crypto on:

- Binance
- Coinbase
- MetaMask

5% of you will make it if you utilise Rabby.

Let me teach you how (in <5 mins): 🧵👇 Image This is a beginners thread so if you’re on-chain already and using Rabby, maybe share it for newcomers.

If you’re a MetaMask user, use this thread to switch to Rabby a.s.a.p.

If you’re a beginner to crypto, welcome, this thread is for you… 👇
Mar 6 24 tweets 23 min read
AI x Crypto protocols will make future millionaires in this cycle.

You’re crazy if you miss this opportunity of a lifetime, therefore I have:

> Read all whitepapers
> Found the top protocols
> Found upcoming airdrops

Here is your complete AI x Crypto protocol guide (bookmark it): 🧵👇Image This thread will:

1️⃣: Give my thoughts on AI x Crypto.
2️⃣: List the top 17 AI x Crypto projects

Luckily my friend @alpha_pls (who conducts deep research) listed his 17 top picks, I have provided intense detail into all of them.

After you read this thread please read his after:
Feb 21 10 tweets 3 min read
Arthur Hayes has a net-worth of $500mill+

He invested in $GMX at $17 (now $45).

He invested in $PENDLE at $1 (now $2.6).

He utilises one key metric to find “undervalued” coins, I’ll teach you how you can do it too in less than 5 mins: 🧵👇 Image I delved into an old podcast featuring Arthur Hayes, wherein he unveils the intricacies of how he starts his research.

Subsequently, I've transformed his insights into a thread to empower YOU to embark on a similar journey.

Before we dive in, please bookmark this thread. It's a treasure trove you'll yearn to revisit.
Feb 19 10 tweets 4 min read
Everyone says “buy the dip” but no-one teaches you how to do it effectively.

Everyone seems to make tonnes of money “buying the dip” apart from you.

Let’s change that. 🧵 👇

Here is your master guide to “buying the dip”: Image 1: Dips

No, not ketchup.

Dips in price my friend.

There’s different kinds of dips but in a bull, so you’ll either:

- Lose support getting a deeper dip

- Consolidate during an up trend “dip”

You can’t be picky and expect major pull backs just because you missed out lower. Image
Feb 15 10 tweets 8 min read
No-one knows how to value AI.

No-one knows how to value AI x Crypto.

Speculation alone can cause a 10-100x.

Here’s the top coins with the highest potential of “mooning” right now: 🧵👇 Image 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.

𝘊𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘵𝘰 𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘣

The ability for a token to rapidly rise in price, often used in jest, mooning tokens often have less than $50 mill market cap + “winners”.

“Holy f*ck, my coin is mooning”.

Hope you enjoyed my crypto dictionary, now let’s get into it: 👇
Feb 11 10 tweets 3 min read
If you already feel as though:

- The markets getting away from you.
- You have missed out already.
- There’s too much noise.
- You are overwhelmed.

Then you need to chill out, take a deep breath, and read this thread now: 🧵👇 Image Go and find strength, like, right now.

I’ll teach you how in this thread.

Then I’ll tell you how to do your own research extensively but you don’t necessarily need to, you just need to know the basics, find conviction, and buy the strong coins, simples.

Let me show you: 👇
Feb 4 12 tweets 6 min read
Decentralised Physical Infrasctructure (DePin) is a 100x narrative for the bull run.

Noobs: Panicking about pull-backs.

Pirates: Research DePIN picks on pull-backs.

Here’s the top DePIN picks showing relative strength with huge potential: 🧵👇 Image People throw the term 100x around.

Yet, DePIN is a narrative that has it, there’ll be new coins that do hit 100x, why?

- REAL use-case
- REAL potential

Bookmark this post 👆, don’t come back in 6 months to find these coins have outperformed the market.
Jan 28 13 tweets 6 min read
You don’t need to be a genius to figure out “what’s next?” in crypto.

Success lies within timing “what’s next?”.

If you manage to combine timing with knowing what’s next you can print money.

This post will analyse billions of trading volume to tell you “what’s next?”: 🧵👇 Image This thread will be looking at what traders are doing on MUX (@muxprotocol).

With billions of volume each week + the fact it’s all on-chain means we are able to analyse its data with ease.

Let’s find out what’s being traded.

Let’s find out “what’s next?”.
Jan 27 11 tweets 3 min read
Follow the money find the opportunity.

But how?

Let me show you with examples: 🧵 👇 Image This thread is going to show you how you can look at total value locked flows to find alpha with ease.

Not only that, but show you a real time example with alpha in this thread.