Shaun Waugh Profile picture
I am a graphic designer cofounder of The New Zealand Nature T-shirt Company: Surface Active. A Godless ape—Atheyist—Memer—Pro New Zealand—AntiCommunist—Based af
Mar 13 19 tweets 4 min read
The Madness of Maori-on-Maori Violence: Deadly Cultural Differences, a.k.a. Tikanga, Magnified by the Rise & Rise of the Welfare State over the Past 70 Years (The Road to Post-Colonial Hell is Paved with Social Justice Good Intentions, not Systemic Racism)🧵

Let’s face it—

1/ to an overwhelmingly large degree it is Maori are who are slaughtering Maori in New Zealand, and it’s not some post-colonial Anglo Saxon ghost pulling the trigger.

Young men, fuelled by the urban attention-seeking tikanga of gang life and its bedfellows; substance abuse such

Mar 13 9 tweets 4 min read
@KiwiStreamNZ The Crown stole no land @Rawiri_Waititi, prove it.

Nearly all Maori land was sold. Title deeds of sale are available. 👇🏽
The small amount of land falsely claimed stolen was land lawfully confiscated by the Crown to quell armed insurrectionist uprisings post Treaty; aka “utu”.
1/ Image @KiwiStreamNZ @Rawiri_Waititi It’s falsely framed as stolen land, the reality is it was justly taken under the law of the land post 1840.

Maori Chiefs begged the British to take sovereignty in their letter to the then King, asking for the protection, which the sovereignty for protection deal Treaty gave.

2/ To King William, The Gracious Chief of England. King William To King William, the gracious Chief of England. King William, we, the chiefs of New Zealand assembled at this place, called the Kerikeri, write to thee, for we hear that thou art the great chief of the other side of the water, since the many ships which come to our land are from thee. We are a people without possessions. We have nothing but timber, flax, pork and potatoes. We sell these things however to your people; then we see property of the Europeans. It is only thy land, which is liberal towards us. From thee also come the mi...
Mar 12 30 tweets 11 min read
The Unholy Alliance: New Zealand Green, Labour, Maori Party, LGBTQ+ Progressives, Islamists, and the Post-Modern Inversion of Reality

From the enlightenment vision of the truth, being objective and universal, to “My Truth”, where it is subjective and infinitely atomised.

1/ We see progressive leftists proudly marching side by side, shoulder-to-shoulder with Islamists on Queen St, it would be quite comical if it wasn't at once so traitorously awful & at the same time, turbo-stupidity.

Because the Islamists would basically, you know, kill them,

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Mar 12 10 tweets 4 min read
@shananhalbert Clarification of what the “Rainbow community” is, is required to throw light on the public discourse. Who are they? What are their ideological beliefs & objects? Who leads them—is it democratic?
Most lesbians, gays, bisexuals, even trans folks in New Zealand are not “LGBTQ+”🧵
1/ Image @shananhalbert The acronym is a cramdown—it masks Gender, Queer Theory backed “Gender Marxist”/Communist deception—that forces NZ’s Ls, Gs & Ts into a controlled, governed “community” Trojan Horse with no mandate—which is leveraged for numbers & use as human shields for radical left agendas.
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Mar 10 32 tweets 12 min read
Spiteful, cowardly @WillieJLabour is a hypocrite to preach about media ownership threatening democracy.🧵

How NZ’s Media Became a State-Funded Women’s Studies #101 Labour Propaganda Machine: A Cautionary Tale of Ideological Capture & its Consequences for Ideological Cowards

1/ Image I have seen propaganda before.

People have lived beneath its shadows from the Soviet Union to North Korea, from Cuba to Somalia, from Zimbabwe to New Zealand where the state’s voice drowns out reason, and dissent was a luxury none could afford.

Journalism, in its true form,

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Mar 9 40 tweets 14 min read
The Weaponisation of “Misinformation: A Global and Kiwi Battle Against a Parasitic Elite who are Putting the “Mao” in Maori, and Groomer-Schooling Cocks in Frocks 🧵

‘Misinformation’ is now nothing more than a deceptive euphemism for ‘dissent’.
On everything from the Covid

1/ Image lockdowns to the transgender insanity, what our ruling political, media & academia elite call ‘misinformation’ is mostly just thinking that deviates from their own woke groupthink.

We are so done with being called merchants of misinformation by a ruling class that insists

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Mar 7 28 tweets 10 min read
Jacinda Ardern’s valedictory speech at the IUSY Festival in 2009, in Hungary. After her two years as El Presidente.🧵

“I cannot say anything until I first say a word of thanks to the prime minister of Hungary for being with us here today. [Prime Minister György Gordon Bajnai.
1/ Image In March 2009, following Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány's announced resignation, Bajnai was nominated by the ruling Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) to become Hungary’s next head of government.]

To our COMRADE the party leader & to our hosts our organisers our COMRADES

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Mar 6 22 tweets 8 min read
Dichotomy: Strength, Weakness & The Culture War of Visions 🧵

In his seminal work A Conflict of Visions, economist & philosopher Thomas Sowell dissects the root of ideological warfare between the political left & right.

He posits that beneath the surface of policy debates

1/ Image lies a deeper clash: two irreconcilable views of human nature & society.

The “constrained vision,” the commonsense favoured by the right, sees humanity as inherently flawed, limited by nature, & best governed by systems that harness self-interest & tradition for the common

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Mar 5 18 tweets 3 min read
An open letter to @chrisluxonmp.🧵

Forever ending the lie that any child is trapped in the wrong body, in his recent Joint Session of Congress address Donald Trump said
“Our message for every child in America is, You are perfect exactly the way God made you.” @realDonaldTrump
His humane and true message: Children are perfect just as they are!

No drugs or scalpels needed!

Trump has outlined his pivotal role in banning gender ideology from US education, a major move to restore reality in American schools. He’s also eliminated all federal funding
Mar 3 17 tweets 6 min read
@HobsonsPledgeNZ Openly calling for armed insurrection against a lawfully elected democratic government is sedition*/treason*. The fundamental need of NZ democracy is to protect the stability & integrity of its democratic system against Maori separatist ‘wannabe Palestinian’s’ mau mau jihad.
1/16 Image @HobsonsPledgeNZ *Sedition generally refers to conduct or speech that incites rebellion against the authority of NZ’s government. It aims to undermine the established order.

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Mar 3 9 tweets 2 min read
An open letter to @chrisluxonmp.🧵

Want to win the Polynesian vote?

Say you’ll get gender ideology out of schools, stop the chemical castration of children, and get males out of female sports!

Want to win the Muslim vote?

Say you’ll get gender ideology out of schools,

stop the chemical castration of children, and get a males out of female sports!

Want to win the Asian vote?

Say you’ll get gender ideology out of schools, stop the chemical castration of children, and get males out of female sports!

Feb 28 20 tweets 7 min read
1/19 Michael Laws on the tokenism of trendy white people gratuitously substituting a handful of Maori words for English ones.

A number of the audience have also had a crack at the fact that we have started to lose the words, English words—so Auckland has became Tamaki Makaurau. Image 2/19 Also ‘motu’ (for country), ‘mahi’ (for work) and all those sorts of things.

Can I say, and listen, I don’t mean to be really nasty about this, but I am going to say this: When white people put the occasional Maori word in their conversation, as in our last interview. Image
Feb 26 7 tweets 3 min read
“What are humans good for besides destroying & burning the planet?”

“wouldn’t have colonisation on her conscience”

The bunny’s boiled.
The canary’s dead.
This is mental foot-binding, performed on your kids. Image 2) “It did not seem like a moral victory for our children to grow up hating their species & themselves”

I imagine not.

Yet families with the means to do otherwise... don’t.
Covid taught The Greater Good is a hungry god.
If it demands to eat your children, who are you to refuse? Image
Feb 24 32 tweets 11 min read
Jacinda Ardern—Mormon: Used to be all messed-up on the Lord
Jacinda Ardern—Marxist: Is messed-up on a white saviour of the poor & downtrodden vision
She converted to Feminism & Globalist Cultural Marxism to virtue signal away her white privilege & obfuscate her Christian roots.🧵 Image 2) Jacinda Ardern: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing from Waikato U’s Woke Madrasah

In 1884, a year after Karl Marx’s death, the Fabian Society emerged with a singular ambition: a world communist government achieved not through violent upheaval, Image
Feb 23 14 tweets 5 min read
1/12 Here we go again. Another feminist troll evading argument to fling mud at character.
It’s predictable, tedious, performative &—let’s be Francis—‘neath the dignity of adult debate.
But since they’ve opted for shaming over substance, let’s dissect the playbook they’re using.🧵 Image 2/13 NZ Feminism claims to champion equality—yet its loudest voices sow division, mistrust, venom between the sexes—& Jew hate. Don’t take my word for it—see the tactics. There’s a whole catalogue of anti-male shaming tactics: knives they wield to stab character & silence dissent Image
Feb 23 7 tweets 3 min read
Do you remember when five eyes became four eyes when NZ, under confirmed wannabe Aotearinian, intersectional ‘solidarity’ feminist* PM (*communist in a skirt) comrade Jacinda Ardern, made us the weak link in the intelligence chain we joined with the US, UK, Canada & Australia? 🧵 Image 2) Do you remember when Nanaia Mugabe told us how to revere Maori woo-woo & respect the values of the brutal Chinese communist dictatorship?
“…to allow us to unite
…I invoke the inspiration & guidance of the universe & the gods
…the respect a Taniwha would have for a Dragon.” Image
Feb 22 38 tweets 13 min read
1/37 Okay coloniser.

Thanks for proving that you’re psychologically projecting, it is in fact you who is detached from reality, as you are suffering from a woke social contagion.

Thanks for your confession that Transgenderism is a problem of the mind, not the body.🧵 Image 2/37 The reality is there’s not a “wide range of genders” there are just two biological sexes, zero genders and a wide range of human personalities, plus people with self-deluding mental disorders whose body image, as mentioned, is evidence of a broken relationship with reality. Image
Feb 18 16 tweets 7 min read
1/15 “Family-friendly” Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) events are a Trans Rights Activist (TRA) attempt to partner with children in order to cram down Queer Theory (QT) & its agenda* on our kids.

*The subversive sexualisation of our kids by persuading them to question sex norms.🧵 Image 2/15 It is part of a broader, decadent “woke” approved child exploitation agenda aimed at “challenging traditional norms around gender & sexuality”.

DQSH has radical origins and it is exactly what it appears to be: The subversive sexualisation of our kids. Image
Feb 16 24 tweets 4 min read
1/23 After the dust has settled, Scott Adams’ underlying rhetorical strategy to prop-up Simulation Theory proves to be very old: point to a stubborn, strategic explanatory gap, say conflicting accounts of historical events, argue that (probably) they’ll never be able to close it, Image 2/23 then give a subjective Simulation Theory explanation that does a better job (say by closing it without landing in self-referential incoherence—among other things—i.e. claim truth’s subjective not universal). Not that he’s invoking a Simulation-Theory-explanation-of-the-gaps.
Feb 16 18 tweets 3 min read

As the law stands right now, TRIBAL INTERESTS ARE ON THE CUSP OF GAINING CUSTOMARY MARINE TITLE TO OUR ENTIRE COASTLINE.🧵 Image 2/18 That will give them FULL OWNERSHIP of all non-nationalised minerals found in their area, such as cobalt, nickel, copper, manganese, and rare earths.

These minerals are like gold to China.
Feb 9 21 tweets 7 min read
1) In the arena of human discourse, disagreement is not only inevitable but essential for the progress of thought & society. Disagreement forces us to think—examine our own beliefs & assumptions.

When challenged we’re compelled to defend our position.

Iron sharpens iron. …🧵 Image 2) However, there is a profound and increasingly common conflation of disagreement with malice, a thing that not only stifles intellectual exchange but also corrodes the very fabric of civil society. This conflation is a cancer on civil discourse, wrecking our ability to connect. Image