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Theories have values in so far as they address our challenges and aspirations. That is what I do here: productive theories that improve the quality of life.
Mar 17, 2024 15 tweets 2 min read
Liban woke up at 0530, ate Suhur & finished it by around 6 AM. He then started watching Facebook & Twitter materials pertaining to cases of people who made big mistakes because they wanted attention, money, or needed to escape from difficult situations rather than face it. 0702 Liban had learned one of the ways to teach kids how to talk is through verbal and motor imitation. Imitation is a fundamental mechanism of learning. We learn by imitating others first before we reflect on what we are imitating and understand.
May 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1409, , Liban has already completed assigned projects. He will continue to report every hour until 9 PM tonight. He does not have anything important to report at this time. Save, the war taking place in the north is less likely to be completed through force alone . The reason being the Somaliland administration is more populous and has more money and organizational power to sustain the war. Laascaanood folks lack regional government support and therefore less likely to sustain the war. They have clan support.
May 19, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Liban is full of energy & he anticipates things would be phenomenal today. He recently thought that he should be able to get plenty of work done. He also can rely on voice control system to turn his speech to text. The accuracy level of voice control of Apple is astonishing He plans to report every hour. The biggest challenge that he would face is tiredness and he must find a way to overcome it. The time now is 0926.
May 28, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
0754 Liban admits that distraction from desired goals is now huge problem . Even though he was able to do some work yesterday after 1p, including setting up social media systems, he nevertheless was distracted by social media much of the time. How to solve this is his problem He slept late last night and woke up at 0740. He is feeling a little bit of headache and wishes to work on that and lead more productive life today.
May 27, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Liban just woke up; he has been having difficulties planning and implementing plan. His plan for the next hour is to prepare him for work, and start work. His aim today is to work on 30 minutes segment. He worked on how much he pays per month to support his family,distracted too It is0600, and Liban did not prepare himself for work. He will do that before 0730. By then he will be sitting on his desk working. He will work on establishing private practice, preparing all the things the first client will need . He will also work on development & politics.
Nov 29, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
Flow: "state of optimal performance denoted by smooth and accurate performance with an acute absorption in the task to the point of time dissociation and dissociative tendencies"
Gold, Joshua; Ciorciari, Joseph. Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X). Sep2020, Vol. 10 Issue 9, p137. 1p The word absorbed reminds this writer that of being occupied or engaged in something, as Mariam Webster defines the word absorption. Distraction and boredom appear to be the opposite of absorption. If so, then it appears that flow is cure or treatment for distraction.
Mar 31, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Liban woke up 5a; however, he did not edit yesterday work; he had an important task to do this morning, so that he did not have time to edit old works and then file them away; he will do that expected task before 9p tonight, or early in the morning tomorrow The dominant impression of Liban now is that of hopelessness; he learned from experience that this is simply thesis that now enjoys preponderance of evidence;
He is free to advance the opposite thesis until it gains preponderance of evidence ; hopelessness is statistical concept
Mar 30, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Liban will edit journaled notes and store them before 5:30 am every day or pay fine of $5; if it does not work, then the fine will be increased. Liban learned that he does better work when he uses speech to text, edits and then publishes such work after consulting with others Liban remained still and learned some skills to make decisions about clinical data; he is learning that section of NCMHCE.
Mar 29, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Liban woke at 6am today; a fine of $5 will be assessed against him and it shall be paid soon if one demands it; moreover, he browsed the net a and did not do his work; that is another $5; claim $10 dollars through cash app. Liban was busy working on an exam and business tasks; distraction is no longer an issue; he is focusing and getting work done.
Mar 27, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Liban woke up this morning at 5:30am; as opposed to 5am; he was supposed to write after 5a ; he did not do that; he did not also update his journal within two hours, triggering a fine of $5. If he misses tomorrow to wake up at 5a and write, he will pay $5 fine. Liban meditated well today; working while stilling the body, listening to the humming sound, committing to lead more reasonable life. He does not know why he sometimes meditates well; is it good diet? Relaxation. before sleep through meditation and tai chi? Or is it due to all ?
Mar 26, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Liban woke up last night and stood while having difficulties breathing and confused; was that central sleep apnea and other apneas? currently he does not have health insurance not because he doesn’t have money because getting insurence was a task that not completed on time. He decided to work on getting a health insurance as soon as possible to see a doctor on this particular matter; this is not the first time that he has experienced these breathing anomalies ; he did met with doctors before on this issue and it was unresolved.
Mar 25, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Liban slept around 1030 last night and woke up at 5 AM this morning; the last 1.5 hours, he was on his bed relaxing occasionally checking Facebook and other media but generally relaxing ; he did not follow any principle of wake up or sleep time. He will follow this principle; sleep between 9:3p-10:30p depending on drowsiness, however wake up time is not negotiable,
5:AM; this will impose rational order on sleep; if he is tired he can go to bed early if not later, however wake up time is not negotiable
Mar 24, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Liban has not been focusing well for the last two days; he learned that he needs to relax before he sleeps by journaling his day; he presented tension and pain at the chest, heart pounding and difficulties with breathing. He remained awake for almost two hours on his bed. Liban was supposed to update this page before 7:30 am; that is $5 fine; he is now updating it. Please claim this $5 in the next 4 hours. Liban was not distracted nor did he focus strongly, by listening to the humming sound and by remaining still and getting more worn done.
Mar 20, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Liban slept at 9pm last night, but could not sleep until an hour to hours later; this may have been failure to shut off the blue lights from his cellphone and computer; he fixed this by setting to them to shut off hours before his sleep time; he woke up feeling a bit tired. To liban, work is workout; initially it is difficult, so you have to warm up before you exercise; even then if you have not been exercising for a while, you will face difficulties of sustaining exercise; in any case, everyone needs break from exercise to exercise again.
Mar 19, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Liban woke up at 2 AM well rested; he slept 9:30p; think about that for a moment; this is a man who woke up after 8.5 hours of sleep not fully rested; why? he simply limited his exposure to the blue light coming from his cell phone and computer; he ate well too. Liban did not sleep 9p last night, wake up at 5a & browsed after he woke up rather than exercise; each of these mistakes has fine of $5, $15; as promised above, anyone who follows this writer and has a cash app is eligible to claim and get it right away; no one is claiming it.
Mar 18, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Liban slept eight hours; when he woke up, he was still feeling tired and he had strong desire to continue to sleep. Liban does not understand why this is the case; is it because he did drink a lot of caffeine and less water yesterday? Is it because he did not exercise yesterday? It appears within two hours update ended 45 minutes ago; this would entail giving away $5 to anyone who asks for it; Liban learned that he needed to stretch after he wake up and then exercise; that will help him wake up and start productive day.
Mar 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
According to a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, you’re twice as likely to get in a car accident when you’re cruising on six to seven hours of sleep compared to if you get a full eight hours.… “Sleep less than five hours and your chances of a crash quadruple!”
Mar 17, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Liban woke up with small headache; he slept more than eight hours but he still feels tired; he hopes that his day is going to be a great day because he will focus and get work done by stilling his body, listening to the humming sound and writing what he learns and observes Apparently, Liban did not update this accounts within two hours; if you request $5, this writer will send it; he promises; Liban learned that sleeping 8 hours is the best way to develop tendencies to still the body and by implication the mind.
Mar 13, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Liban has tried several times to focus on a task that he thought was important to him; most of these attempts have failed at least in the last three hours; his recurring distraction has something in common with substance users; they try to quit, but they often fail to do so. One thing that comes to his mind is that distraction is effect not a cause; he must therefore address the cause of distraction; in this case, it is stress; he must face stress and manage it, to make it easy to focus and get some work done .
Mar 12, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Libin reported that the reason why he was not making journal entries was because he did not had any information or ideas to write about; obviously, if he closes his eyes and speaks usually he gets some ideas and information about improving the moment. Do you know you can relax while working, Liban wrote? ; sit with upright back, deep belly breathing that takes about five seconds inhalation and five seconds exhalation. Figure out what to focus, Liban’s case humming sound, and keep working for 52 minutes and take 17 min break.
Feb 8, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
“I have not yet developed the habit of a daily journalling, editing and putting that edited file in a folder for accumulation ” Liban wrote “I consider this one of the fundamental failures of my life and I have not yet mastered skills needed in order to resolve it” he wrote “One simple solution for this particular problem is to practice journalling, editing and putting the edited file in a folder on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays and work hard to make the same thing in other days, but if I fail that is okay for this week” Libin wrote