Cyan Banister Profile picture
Venture Artist @longjourneyvc, joy amplifier. subscription fees go to Inflection Grants:
Sep 8, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Why did OnlyFans work when Zivity did not? A thread. Image 1) Timing. We were the General Magic of this sector. We had all the right ideas but the wrong timing. Timing really matters and at the time we launched, Facebook had under 100,000 users and MySpace was a thing. There was no iPhone yet. Payment processing was nascent. Only games in town were traditional credit card processors, risk tolerant (aka high fee) processors and PayPal.

Traditional processors wouldn’t touch us and claimed our chargebacks would be high. (They were not until we reached over 1M in revenue, then interestingly, some shitty characters started showing up who used the service and charged back anyway)

PayPal would allow nudity but not anything sexual, which precluded us from a lot of content. We decided to build off of PayPal and adhere to their standards until we grew large enough to matter to them. We never grew large enough to matter and even though my husband was one of the early PayPal investors, it didn’t matter - they shut us off on Thanksgiving once just to fuck with us. What a wonderful holiday that was.

We had to build our own custom batching processing for micropayments because we were doing something nobody else had done other than maybe the early cam girls.
Feb 21, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
Its story time! Once upon a time, I and my best friend owned At that time, I was working as a dial-up support technician in a now-defunct ISP called Extreme Internet. While waiting for calls, I would read O'Reilly books and practice my learnings on the command line. Alternatively, I would check for available domains to register. Back then, domains were free, but after 90 days, they cost $100. If you didn't pay, they would release the domain back for registration. I registered a few of my favorite Star Wars domains, including , , , , and
Sep 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Scott, @BishopFromArk and I are starting a “made in the Americas” grant. It’s an experiment, but if it goes well, I’m hoping that other high net worth people step up and match it. The first MITA grant is $50k. We will accept applications from North and South America. Getting the site set up this week, so stay tuned. It will have all of the information on how to apply and what we are looking for, but in short, you should have an idea of how to bring manufacturing out of China and back to our country and our neighboring allies.
Jul 16, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
Ok. Who’s got their tinfoil hat on for this one? Hear me out.. (1)… What hacker would do this if they had the keys to the most powerful accounts in the world? Maybe if you are 10 years old?
Apr 16, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
I had this weird epiphany at Disneyland once... (part 1) I was watching people stand in a line to get on a log that brought you up to some height and then brought you down crashing into some water.
Dec 4, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
I was just remembering Junior High romance and I had to sit and have a good laugh. Here are some funny examples. Many of these people are friends now, so hopefully they just find it funny like I do... 7th grade. My best friend has a sleepover at her house and invites a guy I have a crush on. She gives us her room. We lay in the bed together about 4 feet apart. Boy asks if I want to be his girlfriend. I enthusiastically say yes. We fall asleep. In the morning we break up.
Oct 17, 2019 15 tweets 2 min read
Let me tell you a scary story about China. They are playing a very long game and they are boiling the frog. I saw one of the world’s leaders in AI give a talk at an event. Kai-fu Lee. In this talk he touched on several things that still haunt me.
Sep 12, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
I haven’t written anything long form for a while, but maybe I should write about how men take advantage of other men in our industry. We don’t talk about it because a lot of men are raised to be tough and not show weakness. So there are people out there who hold a strategic position around exploiting this. They fuck you over and you take it quietly.
Mar 24, 2019 21 tweets 3 min read
Ahh, let me tell you about the Google drug dealer. It is riveting! See thread... So. I once worked on a sysops team at NBCi/ and this is back when you racked your own servers and pre-cloud days.
Jan 2, 2019 37 tweets 5 min read
In 2018, I won the lottery. It wasn’t the kind you want to win...