cyber wolf35 Profile picture
Jun 2, 2022 7 tweets 12 min read
@DuO2__ @KFulgarion @katastrophobic @gadirc47 @elonmusk @justwidle2 @Tesla The main argument relating to the title is that energy and matter can't be created nor destroyed so therefore a supernatural being has to have created for it to be.
This is flawed from many points.
A Supernatural existence doesn't automatically imply a supernatural being... @DuO2__ @KFulgarion @katastrophobic @gadirc47 @elonmusk @justwidle2 @Tesla ...
We don't even know if we exist in the sense that would make a creation necessary. For example, negative existence isn't possible under our understanding, however if it is, then the universe could in a more understandable sense be virtual, not really made of anything...
Sep 28, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
@WPipperger @rocket_jenross
This will be a thread explaining greenhouse effects, why 60ppm if co2 over the last 100 years is a big deal, and giving examples of what different average global temperatures from today did historically to the planet's climate and how that's... 1/x ...bad for humans. Firstly the greatest greenhouse gas contribution comes from H2O vapor, you might be thinking "isn't Co2 the big bad?
You're right, but it's the 2nd largest greenhouse gas contribution to global temperature. The reason it's the big bad instead of water... 2/x
Nov 17, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
@ArgonCapital Yes, people measure kg using devices that measure force, but really the appropriate unit to use would be a unit of force like the newton. Technically speaking the kg is mass only.
The gravitational force you experience on earth not only varies based on... @ArgonCapital ...elevation but even the distribution of mass of the earth, as it isn't uniform as you might fist assume.
So I certainly understand your concern but it won't matter for everyday people and in experiments the proper unit can be used.
Nov 17, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
@ArgonCapital You misunderstood the explanation, what they did was use planks constant to define the kilogram by making an equation for the planks constant that included the kilogram and other units that have already been defined using universal constants @ArgonCapital Because everything except the kilogram in the equation either is a universal constant, a constant, or based on a universal constant, you can therefore set the equation to solve for the kilogram and arrive at an answer only using constants.