Today, we commemorate the Katyn massacre—one of the darkest chapters of WWII, when the Soviet NKVD executed nearly 22 000 Polish officers, intellectuals, & state officials in the spring of 1940.
A thread: what happened, why, & the long road to truth 🧵 1/ The victims were mainly Polish Army officers taken prisoner after the Soviet invasion of Poland on Sept 17, 1939. Many were reserve officers—doctors, engineers, teachers—who formed the intellectual backbone of Polish society.
Jan 30 • 19 tweets • 3 min read
Poland is now in a direct economic war with Germany.
Here is how Donald Tusk's huge Central Communication Hub airport has become the greatest threat to the German economy.
Thread 🧵 1. For decades, Germany ensured that Poland remained a logistics appendage—a network of highways and railways feeding directly into German ports and airports.
This is how they enslaved the Polish economy. But now, that system is collapsing.
Jan 10 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Kaliningrad is Polish 🇵🇱 territory. The time has come for Poland to initiate negotiations with Russia to reunite it with its rightful homeland and restore it to a path of prosperity.
Its current occupation is a historical injustice and a geopolitical absurdity.
Thread 1/10 2/ Kaliningrad (Królewiec) was part of Polish territory during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was stolen by foreign powers, first Prussia, then the USSR, and now it festers under Russian mismanagement.
Dec 26, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Narzekacie na Tuska?...
To spójrzcie na Augusta III Sasa! (1733–1763)
Po nim już nie było, czego ratować.
Wątek🧵 1/ August III Sas rządził Polską przez 30 lat. W tym czasie unikał podejmowania jakichkolwiek decyzji, koncentrując się głównie na polowaniach i ucztach.
Dec 15, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
10 reasons why Donald Tusk is the new emperor of Europe.
Thread 🧵 1. Master of Political Longevity
Donald Tusk has been a central figure in European politics since 2007, when he became Poland's Prime Minister.
Dec 8, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The port of Tartus, Syria, has been of critical importance to Russia for several strategic, military, and geopolitical reasons.
Its loss is a death blow to Russia's military and diplomatic power. It can no longer be taken seriously even by its closest allies.
Thread 1/
It is the only Russian naval facility outside the former Soviet Union capable of servicing and replenishing warships.
Its location allows Russia to project power in the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, and North Africa, reinforcing its influence in these areas.
Aug 21, 2024 • 26 tweets • 4 min read
The Worst Leader of the XXIst Century
Putin is a typical product of Russia's social disaster: an unhinged and socially inept individual.
Covering his failures and the long-term consequences of his incompetence with blood no longer works.
Thread 🧵👇 1/
Born in 1952 in Leningrad, Vladimir Putin grew up in a communal apartment.
The small, shared living quarters, common in Soviet cities at the time, forced families to live in close proximity under cramped conditions.
Aug 19, 2024 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
The Greatest leader of the XXIst Century (and the reason why Putin can't sleep since 2019).
Zelenskyy is nothing short of a political genius.
Thread 🧵👇 1/
Volodymyr Zelenskyy was born on January 25, 1978, in Kryvyi Rih, a prominent industrial city in central Ukraine.
He was raised in a Jewish family with a strong academic background.
Aug 4, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Hungary fought the Second World War alongside Nazi Germany and participated in the Nazi genocide of Jews and Eastern Europeans.
Aligning with evil powers to satisfy short-sighted interests and getting wrecked as a result is a Hungarian tradition.
Key facts 🧵👇 1/ Hungary's government passed anti-Jewish laws starting in 1938, restricting Jews' participation in the economy & professional life. These laws were modeled after Nazi policies. The 3rd Anti-Jewish Law in 1941 prohibited marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
Jul 5, 2024 • 26 tweets • 4 min read
Let's talk about the greatest Russian bitch in Europe, and what the life of a Russian bitch is like.
Thread 🧵👇1/ 1. Orbán initially had a strong anti-Russian stance. During his first term as PM (1998-2002), he banned a Russian convoy during the Kosovo crisis. In 2007, he criticized the government's increasing energy dependence on Russia.
Jun 25, 2024 • 36 tweets • 6 min read
European immigrationist policies are actually originating from typical GERMAN SOCIAL ENGINEERING 🇩🇪⚙️🛠️🔩🗜️
They are imposed by a system of foundations financed by German commercial interests. Amounts are huge.
My latest for @brusselssignal
Thread 🧵👇…
More than 100 years ago, German industrial interests believed they could transform humanity, humanity from anywhere, into a docile workforce, much like making tyres out of rubber.
Jun 11, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
What ARE GOING TO BE the consequences of THE victory of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella's National Rally (Rassemblement National)?
Thread 🧵👇1/12 2/ Of course:
Domestically, the RN's agenda emphasizes stringent immigration controls, potentially leading to the introduction of more restrictive asylum policies and increased border security measures.
May 25, 2024 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
How Ronald Reagan 🇺🇸 atomized the USSR 🇷🇺:
He was a real strategist, who knew how to choose and empower his allies.
THREAD 🧵👇 1/ 2. In 1981, Ronald Reagan entered office with a clear vision to challenge and curtail Soviet power, setting a new, aggressive tone for U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War.
May 11, 2024 • 35 tweets • 11 min read
Surprisingly, the #Polonocide is STILL the largest unrecognized genocide in Europe.
Germany planned the total extermination of Poles: ethnic Poles as well as Polish Jews.
~3 mln Polish Jews AND ~3 mln ethnic Poles died as a result of the BEGINNING of the operation.
THREAD 1. In the Obersalzberg Speech (22 August 1939), just before the invasion of Poland, Hitler gave explicit permission to his commanders to murder "without pity or mercy, all men, women, & children of Polish descent or language."
He viewed Poles as racially inferior and subhuman.
Feb 18, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Kaja Kallas is the perfect candidate for the job of Secretary General of NATO.
Top 10 reasons why 🧵👇 1. Kaja Kallas, as the Prime Minister of Estonia, has played a major role in supporting Ukraine.
The total sum of Estonia's assistance to Ukraine given since 24/02 2022 and planned for 2024-27 is €1.2 bn.
(€316 mln in civilian assistance. €900 mln in military assistance.)
Feb 18, 2024 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
Ukraine is much older than Russia and has faced much greater difficulties in its history, fighting for its independence and national identity with incredible courage.
Ukrainian history thread 🧵 1/ 882: Establishment of Kyivan Rus', with Kyiv as its capital, marking the beginning of the recorded history of Ukraine.
Prior to the establishment of Kyivan Rus', the Eastern Slavic lands were fragmented among various tribal unions. Oleg's conquest of Kyiv and subsequent actions were instrumental in consolidating these tribes into a single polity, laying the groundwork for the development of a unified Slavic identity.
Kyiv's strategic location on the Dnieper River facilitated trade between the Byzantine Empire and the northern territories (Scandinavia and the Baltic regions), enhancing the wealth, influence, and cultural development of Kyivan Rus'. This trade route, known as the "route from the Varangians to the Greeks," was vital for the economy and the spread of Christianity and Byzantine culture.
In 988, under the reign of Prince Vladimir the Great, Kyivan Rus' officially adopted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire. This pivotal event had profound implications for the cultural, social, and political life of the state, aligning it more closely with European Christian kingdoms and leading to significant cultural and religious developments.
Jan 27, 2024 • 26 tweets • 17 min read
23 Celów Strategicznych dla Silnej Polski:
Zbiór działań strategicznych dla narodu, odpowiadających na kluczowe zagadnienia polityki międzynarodowej, państwa, gospodarki i społeczeństwa.
POLITYKA MIĘDZYNARODOWA: 1. Pokonać Rosję jakimkolwiek kosztem 2. Realistycznie zarządzać partnerstwem z Ukrainą 3. Wybudować Intermarium wokół Polskiego przywództwa 4. Zakończyć zależność od gospodarki niemieckiej 5. Przygotować się do upadku albo do blokady działania Unii Europejskiej 6. Rozwinąć polskie media międzynarodowe
ROZWÓJ POLSKIEGO KAPITAŁU NIEPODLEGŁEGO: 7. Przejść ze ścieżki podporządkowanego rozwoju na autostradę niepodległego rozwoju 8. Dotrzeć do konsumenta docelowego na rynkach zagranicznych 9. Zabezpieczyć polskie firmy strategiczne przez zagranicznymi przejęciami 10. Rozwinąć system finansowy 11. Wzmocnić kooperację między polskimi firmami
SPOŁECZEŃSTWO: 12. Podnieść kapitał ludzki 13. Przyciągać emigrantów z Europy Zachodniej 14. Wzmocnić media narodowe 15. Wybudować pokój społeczny 16. Zracjonalizować 800 Plus 17. Zakończyć system ubezpieczeń społecznych 18. Wprowadzić prawo do programów maturalnych i wzmocnić kulturę prawną narodu
PAŃSTWO: 19. Przyjąć nową konstytucję i nowy porządek prawny 20. Dążyć do odpolitycznienia polskiego systemu sądowniczego 21. Odtworzyć odpowiedzialną elitę 22. Przyspieszyć zmianę pokoleniową 23. Stworzyć centrum wsparcia projektów strategicznych
Oct 13, 2023 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Poland 🇵🇱 holds its general election on Sunday.
A 🇷🇺-appeasing🪆 Civic Platform win (they are polling at ~30%) will threaten the security of the whole West.
🇩🇪 had Merkel & Schröder,🇫🇷 had Sarkozy, 🇵🇱 still has Tusk.
🧵Here is a thread about the Poles who wanted 🇷🇺 in NATO. 1. As soon as elected, Tusk's first foreign policy objective was to prevent the American Missile Schield supported by President Kaczyński from happening.
It was a military technology marvel that could have protected the whole West from ballistic attacks.…
Sep 22, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
🇵🇱 MFA @RauZbigniew’s explanation in @politico.
“Above all, 🇵🇱 believed in 🇺🇦’s victory as other allies concluded it was too late to arm the country.
Of all the allies, Poles took upon themselves the heaviest burden.”
Essential reading
Highlights 🧵 1/8…
Polish aid to Ukraine is “equivalent to over 3 percent of the country’s GDP, nearly four times as much as wealthy Germany and almost 10 times more than the United States.”
Sep 19, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The second front: how Russia wants to undermine Western support for Ukraine
"The real scenario that inspires them is the Georgian scenario of 2008-2009: it consisted of stirring up among Georgians the bitterness felt after the betrayal of the West, ... 1/…
...of rubbing salt into the wound, in order to demoralize them, to discourage them, to make them plunge back into the corruption and cynicism characteristic of the “Russian world” and finally to resign themselves to electing a government of collaboration."
Sep 18, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
As promised: a thread on Louis XIV's horrible health issues.
Louis XIV lived a life punctuated with severe health issues, from smallpox at age 5 to senile gangrene. His resilience amidst primitive medical treatments is astonishing.
Born to a valetudinarian father and a lymphatic mother, the Sun King's health was precarious since his early years, battling life-threatening illnesses including smallpox and fevers.