Hopewell Chin’ono Profile picture
Award winning International Journalist| Film Maker | 2 Time African Journalist of The Year | Africa Leadership FellowI Nieman Fellow| hopewell2@post.harvard.edu
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Apr 3, 2022 16 tweets 8 min read
1. Zimbabwe had a working public transport system that was well organized.

This is Mbare Musika in 1990.

These buses were owned by millionaire black business men, most of whom made their break and fortune in Rhodesia.

The looting of the economy was very minimal at this point. Image
2. Rural folk worked on their fields without ZANUPF handouts, yet life then was enjoyable for them than today because the economy worked.

Most of today’s private sector elites were educated by rural based parents, and they made it because at university level the State took over! Image