Andy Constan Profile picture
DampedSpring active macro & beta @2Graybeards for beta. Both for investor education, Brevan Howard, Bridgewater, Salomon, Dad of 4. Go Penn, No tweet is advice
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Jul 8 10 tweets 2 min read
I listened to this

with an open mind. Here are my notes. With a 🧵

His comment that index vol supply creates volatility in single names is false. It may create low correlation but not demand for single stock… He uses the 2017 example despite its lack of similarity on a macro and for that matter the options market both structure products volume and ODTE

We agree on vol supply and the two side nature of ODTE which pins most of the time but is a fragility. Completely agree on that.
Jun 30 11 tweets 3 min read
Rebalance transaction costs 101🧵

$XLK $AAPL $NVDA. On 6/21
At the close XLK shareholders sold 10BN of AAPL and Bought 10BN of NVDA. These are rough numbers and assumes
the fund did absolutely nothing to defray their costs by self frontrunning the trade. Did they have alpha? The fund is roughly 60BN in AUM. Why did they trade two stocks in and out that in total were 1/3 of its AUM? Simple. They had to. The fund had rules and methodologies that require the rebalance. They aren't betting on one stock vs the other. They have no alpha. Thus the trade
Jun 1 21 tweets 4 min read
Over the next two years sizeable deficits and the last 750BN of QT will require the Treasury to issue around 3.75 BN of new securities and I expect 25% of that will be in Bills. Many have asked me why not more bills or even 100% bills. Here's a 100% Bills 101 Image In the chart above notice bills and floating rate note outstanding today as a percent of public debt is roughly 25% and I expect it to remain there as new money is borrowed with 25% bills and FRN's. But forget that for now. Let's deal with a hypothetical. Could the treasury
May 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Selling 1 Month IV 101
There are some on here that say selling vol at the lows or at the highs are better than selling vol in the middle. Using the entire data set since VIX was created shows what you might expect Image 1. Selling vol is a risk premium collection strategy with a high negative convexity. Similar in outcome to buying corporate bonds

2. It doesn't really matter much what level you sell (except in a statistically insignificant portion where VIX is below 10 - dont sell degens)
May 7 23 tweets 4 min read
My experience in the early days of HFT A story.

In 1995 the best new hire I ever made in my career invented a high frequency trading statistical arbitrage model that traded every stock in the SPX. We put it to work in markets. It was phenomenal 5ish sharp ratio but unscaleable We were paying bid offer spread. This was before electronic zero commission retail trading. We were at Salomon Brothers pre merger with Smith Barney and had no retail order flow. We also had a huge commitment to Nasdaq and Listef Block trading with most of the senior management
May 5 20 tweets 4 min read
The greatest trade I ever was involved with and didn't do
a story

This story includes Buffett, Bridgewater, Flash Crash, and equity puts/vol. it's a doozy.

On 5/3/2010, after decades of trading equity, bond and option products I joined Bridgewater and became macro focused. Three days later the Flash Crash occurred. Stocks fell almost 10% in minutes. In all my other jobs this would have been a fire alarm with massive activity. At Bridgewater all my colleagues were not even really aware of what was happening. It's a very different place.
Mar 14 5 tweets 1 min read
Gonna state my opinion on risk that the "vol selling products" blow up and cause a volmaggedon outcome. Tl;dr I don't thinks so.

As far as I can tell the gross majority of the AUM in ETN's are hedging products. JHEQX is a long equity short call long out spread structure QYLD is a buy write product on QQQ. Those are the two biggest. Both of them sell calls and so are "short vol". What if vol goes up? The call price goes up all else be equal and the structure has a drawdown. Of course all else isn't equal
Mar 2 22 tweets 5 min read
Alpha and Beta Investing 201. The investment strategy I use is to allocate risk to both Alpha and Beta. For simplicity I will use DS Alpha and DS Beta for this thread though I personally use DS smart beta and less or not ETF's. The DS AlphaBeta is purple Image To construct this portfolio I take $100 of cash and buy $100 of DS Beta. Then as you know I buy or sell options and options spreads such that at any time my worst case loss (and hence my broker margin) is $10 maximum. That is easy to do in any form of margin account
Feb 24 17 tweets 4 min read
Catalysts 101

I am often asked what catalyst will cause the market to move in my favor. Usually it's when the market is going against me. I answer that I don't know. Imho catalysts are unpredictable ex ante and often misattributed ex post.
I'll explain So what is catalyst. I think it is a general term that is better defined as an "event" but I'll use the term catalyst.

I'll also posit that a catalyst can be a known or unknown future event.

Lets for the moment discard unknown future events and deal with known events.
Feb 15 14 tweets 3 min read
The logical path of AI a musing. My expectation of the future of humanity and how it interacts with machines takes two paths. This is not a new path. These are the paths that humanity has been on for centuries. Without being too literal about the two paths I will name them 1. Information
2. Machine enhanced production.

Let's start with information. Humans have been creating and consuming "content" since languages were created. One person would create "content" and tell another who would consume content. Art music, stories, religion
Jan 19 12 tweets 2 min read
What does price mean to me. 101

1. It is reality where markets clear.
2. It prices in all possible future outcomes
3. It's momentum can provide alpha
4. Its changes determine your p/l 1. It is reality where markets clear. Dont anyone ever tell you the price is wrong. The price is the price and you cant yell at it.

2. Price is set considering all market participants expectations for all scenarios. So price allows you to understand what's priced in.
Dec 17, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
What's priced into markets 102
Mean expectations, CME Fed Tracker binomial approach, and option implied distributions.

I've noticed the dialogue in my feed lead by some great follows have introduced concepts of what priced in that are worth review. I'll try to keep it simple This is a followup to two other threads
Dec 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Corporate share repurchases and blackout windows 101

These windows are not a thing. The beginning of the blackout and the end of the blackout are not relevant to the gross majority of share repurchasers.

Why? There are three relevant legal issues to deal with. 1. 10b-18 Applies to all share repurchase activities and following the 4 safe harbor conditions eliminates the liability of a corporation from manipulation claims.

2. Insider trading concerns create the so called blackout window. It is two weeks before quarter end and
Dec 6, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Today the BOE Warned about the Treasury Basis Trade. What is it and does it matter 101?

Hedge funds are very short ten year note futures (and most every point on the curve). Are they getting Rekt with this rally? Nope. What's going on? Image In just the ten year note futures the notional short is 150BN.

The trade they have is called the futures cash basis trade. They are long a an actual physical treasury bond with similar duration as the futures so are taking no interest rate risk or curve risk. How do I know?
Dec 3, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Been talking about the QRA/QT relationship since 3/14/22. Anyone else been doing that? Each QRA, except during the SVB tempest in a tea cup, I wrote a DSR. I didn't predict what Janet would do very well but was super successful in trading when I read what she did do.🧵 of DSR's Image Before QT even got started I predicted what it would look like and introduced the concept that the Fed had handed the ball to Janet Yell to Implement monetary policy by choosing bills or bonds.…
Dec 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Has anyone done a balanced outlook of the short term macroeconomic path implications of AI? I would prefer it stay away from the ultimate end point & things like the machines awaken and kill us all or take all the jobs and we all live on UBI. Just the next ten years. My notes. Seems like the path in the near term (0-5 years) is creating shifts

1. in the demand for labor, and commodities
2. in the
supply of goods and services
3. in investment and sources of money and credit
4. in risk
Nov 19, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
What happens when the RRP goes down substantially like it has been

There are two important paths and those paths are essential to understand what could happen to long term assets.

Let's start with what is actually happening and then I'll deal with the one that matters I'll also ignore QT for now. Which makes things worse for assets in both paths.

When the government issued bills to finance spending two things happen

1. People get spending in their bank accounts
2. Bills get sold to investors

That is literally all that happens let's break
Nov 18, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts on loneliness in views today.

Let's start with what is my view. I am short a portfolio of assets including for simplicity SPY, TLT, TIP, GLD and GSG.

My view is that cross asset portfolio will underperform cash in the next 3 months.

It's a Forest view What is that view.

1. The last 18 days of easing will offset the trends in the economy and growth and inflation will stall at too high levels
2. The Fed has no incentive to cut rapidly without stress in the asset markets
3. Individual asset markets are priced for the best
Nov 17, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Measuring investment performance 101

I have some strong opinions on this topic. It is also one of the most studied topics in finance. I'll give it a go.

I'll start with my strongest view. It is almost impossible to determine if an investor has an ability to beat the market Beating the market is extremely difficult and though a very few may be able to do it almost all investors are unable to do it

Track records are useless as predictors of future returns in most examples

Of 1000 portfolio managers timing markets 172 managers will beat the market
Nov 17, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
What are tight financial conditions 101?

This is a question with no clear answer. I believe that any correct answer requires a multifaceted view.

I'll mention a few common ones and my thoughts but not be anything like exhaustive.

What is clear is what it means to be tight Tight financial conditions mean that the availability of money and credit makes it difficult/expensive for someone who needs spendable cash to consume, invest in the real economy, pay back debt, or buy financial assets. In other words people compare the utility of cash vs these
Nov 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The drop in the RRP is partly Runoff of 60BN a month and partly a shift to reserves. The shift to reserves is supposed to be stimulative to the asset market. Lets see what is happening to assets. Firstly its important to know that a bank reserve is an asset of a commercial .. bank. As reserves go up Assets go up. Also the RRP means the MMF down has a deposit. or the MMF has a bill and the bill issuance creates spending and a deposit in the banking system. So far so good?