Dana Nessel Profile picture
Michigan Attorney General. I love my kids, wife, cats, and country. But not Ohio State U.
Mar 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This latest rate hike request from DTE is, frankly, absurd in both the astounding dollars and obnoxious timing—requesting yet another $450 million not even four months since their last rate hike was approved.

audacy.com/wwjnewsradio/n… DTE is following their usual playbook, incessant and oppressive rate hike requests not grounded in reality, but rather based on the financial aspirations of their corporate shareholders.
Oct 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The 1/6 committee unanimously voted to subpoena Trump for his attempt to overturn the will of voters in 2020 — a plan which relied in part on a report riddled with false claims filed by my opponent, Matt DePerno. His continued, undying support for Trump to this day is dangerous. 61 failed lawsuits, strong-arm phone calls to GOP officials, rallies where he repeated malicious lies over & over, slates of fake electors — none of it worked for Trump. Didn't matter; he told aides DePerno's Antrim Co. report was his ticket to a 2nd term. yahoo.com/video/trump-la…
Oct 10, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Throughout my career, I’ve worked closely with law enforcement to prosecute violent crime in our state. I’ve always been a strong supporter of ensuring police have adequate funding. I'm honored to have the support of the law enforcement community in this election. /🧵 I’ve worked to take on cold case homicides and aggressively prosecute rape, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. I’ve gone after those who prey on our most vulnerable, including seniors and children.
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
It's been 568 days since myself, @GovWhitmer & @JocelynBenson referred 4 attorneys to the MI Attorney Grievance Commission for violating ethical standards of legal practice on King v Benson, which sought to overturn the 2020 election.
detroitnews.com/story/news/pol… It’s been 362 days since Judge Parker sanctioned these and other attorneys on the matter, ordering them to pay $175,250, take continuing education classes, and be referred for disciplinary action against their licenses.
Jun 24, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Although we knew this was coming after the leak of Justice Alito’s draft decision, it doesn’t make it any less shocking or unnerving that Americans will lose a fundamental right they’ve had for nearly my entire lifetime. 🧵/8 In MI, these are kitchen table issues impacting our ability to be economically stable & plan for our future. We all have our own stance on abortion, but there’s a big difference between adhering to your personal beliefs & forcing others to abide by them.
Jun 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Breathtaking info on Trump's attempt to advance stolen election lie via DOJ at today’s 1/6 hearing. My opponent’s contribution, the report on Antrim Co, came up repeatedly. Every DOJ official except one gunning for Barr’s job agreed it’s wildly false. thedailybeast.com/inside-trump-b… It claimed ballots in the county had a 68% error rate. After a hand recount of all 15K+ ballots, as close to a forensic audit as one could get, they found a single erroneous ballot. That’s a .0063% error rate and perfectly within the bounds of normalcy.
Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The events surrounding Trump’s attempt to cling to power often seem stranger than fiction. As we learned in today’s 1/6 hearing, MIGOP officials plotted to hide in the Capitol overnight so their fake elector scheme disenfranchising MI voters might have more validity. What really got to me was the testimony of election workers Shaye Moss & her mom. Trump amplified the easily debunked lie that they were passing each other an illicit flash drive (fact check: it was a mint) & hiding forged pro-Biden ballots in a suitcase. politico.com/news/2021/12/2…
Apr 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
My department has spent over a year attempting to enforce Covid orders from the governor and DHHS with enormous blowback from county prosecutors, sheriffs, and police chiefs all over the state-not to mention Republican office holders who encourage defiance at every turn. The result is that our state now finds itself in the unenviable but predictable position of having the worst rates of new infections in the nation.
Jan 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
There are domestic terrorist groups in our state who have planned a massacre of epic proportions at the Capitol. (ie-see those indicted in the plot re the Gov).

W/O metal detectors, the law enf agencies charged with security are virtually helpless to prevent such an incident. You have the legal authority to ban firearms. Not only did I issue a formal AG opinion saying so, but then you hired your own high priced silk-stocking law firm attorney who issued a memo agreeing with my opinion.
Jun 7, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
While I am inspired by the protests which, at long last, will hopefully allow for substantive, structural change to policing and our system of criminal justice, I am also saddened by the demonization of all police officers and calls to defund law enforcement. While there is no question the current system allows for far too many who serve to abuse their power, there are also such significant number of officers who are dedicated to their communities and who place their lives on the line every day to protect those who require help.