Dan Creswell Profile picture
Software Dynamicist - Tech is the servant of humanity. Dabbler in martial arts.
Dec 2, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
If 80% of customers use 20% of features holds for the most part, the implications for sw dev economics are significant.

In particular we must measure feature utilisation. We cannot simply pile up features on the assumption they are making money. The vast majority of features we ship won't earn and must be pulled as soon as possible. Their development represents a sunk cost that grows due to necessary maintenance (which starts as soon as it's written because other code and systems must account for it).
Aug 5, 2018 13 tweets 2 min read
Some time ago, car manufacturers built batches of cars based on speculative customer needs: Engine sizes, interiors, paint colours & the number of each.

Sales folk were left with the unenviable task of persuading customers that what was on the forecourt suited their needs. Of course, market dynamics took effect, the cars wouldn't sell at a profit. Instead dealers had to run loss-making sales to clear out the old and the whole crazy cycle would start again.