danielle chuatico Profile picture
🇵🇭 comic creator | PASSE IT ON @RHKidsGraphic OUT Fall 2025 | professor of comics | daniellechuatico@gmail.com | repped by @kurestinarmada
Dec 15, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read

A 12-page comic set in a dystopian Philippines. ▫️(1/4)
Jul 14, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
You have an idea for a graphic novel and want to get it published but you don't know where to start. You have the story, the characters, but how do these things all end up into a book?

Welcome to my thread on the all-important ✨ PITCH PACKET ✨ #atedanicomictips What is a ✨ PITCH PACKET ✨ ?

A pitch packet is a document that compiles all the information a publisher/editor would need to decide on whether a graphic novel is a good fit for them to publish or not. Nowadays, it's all sent digitally via e-mail through a low-res PDF file.