Open source researcher and journalist @sudanwarmonitor.
Jan 13 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 The Sudanese military is modeled on a colonial era army designed to garrison and control towns, suppress urban unrest, and carry out occasional punitive raids against poorly armed rural populations. It has never upgraded its military doctrine or culture.
The Sudanese military lacks the logistics, maneuver, & airlift capabilities to control the full vastness of Sudan’s territory, where the rural populace is now heavily armed, especially in the west. Also, its general officers are chosen for political reasons, not competence. 2/14
Jun 11, 2023 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
🧵 ثريد حول القتال في الخرطوم. الاول من يونيو ٢٠٢٣، هذا المحتوى ترجم بي مساعدة @FaisalElsheikh، ويعتمد على ادلة جمعت عن طريق المصادر المفتوحه و مواقع الاحداث وثقت بي مساعدة @mustapro و اخرين. /١
تقدمت القوات المسلحة السودانية على عدة محاور بعد انتهاء ال ٢٤ ساعة هدنة من وقف إطلاق النار. وكان هذا أعنف قتال منذ هجوم قوات الدعم السريع على مجمع ذخيرة اليرموك في ٦-٧ يونيو. ووقعت اشتباكات قرب جسر حلفايا بشرق النيل والحزام الجنوبي وشمال سلاح المدرعات. / ٢
Jun 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Each of my recent Twitter threads had tens of thousands of views and 100s of retweets & likes. But as soon as I posted a 🧵 with a link to an article on a rival social media/newsletter site, the thread barely got more than a thousand views, and just two retweets. This seems like……
👆🏼 I say this as somebody who intends to continue using Twitter and whose overall experience on the platform has been positive in recent months. Twitter has allowed me to connect with numerous Sudanese and to follow the conflict there closely. More importantly, it (and Facebook……
Jun 10, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces and the Armed Forces clashed in NW Omdurman on Friday as ceasefire talks were ongoing in Jeddah (a 24-hour ceasefire took effect today at 6:00). Some of the fighting was captured on video from the air by drone videographer Abd Almohimen Sayed. 🧵1/8
His video shows technicals belonging to the militia & army firing at each other from different sides of a residential block. A vehicle is burning. In the images in the previous tweet, the arrows indicate lines of sight to enemy forces. 🧵2/8
8/ In a tweet pre-dating the war, a RSF soldier wrote about a "champion of Juhayna Chad line” (a reference to Rizeigat tribe), adding, “Long live the struggle of the Arab people." He included flags of 🇸🇩, Chad, Niger, Libya. In the comments he said, "We do not recognize borders." 9/ As I wrote in another thread, this same account promotes a warrior culture and the cultural superiority of “the sons of the desert.” Assertions of cultural superiority of nomadic Arabs over their sedentary Sudanese brethren and non-Arabs are an implicit part of RSF propaganda.
May 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Darfur in 2005 (left), and Darfur in 2023 (right).
Janjaweed (RSF) leader Hemedti’s main goal is to take power in Khartoum, but he is exploiting an ideology of ethnic supremacy of nomadic Arabs to do so, and this is inciting violence across the region.…
Credit to @marksnoeck for noticing the village burnt about 30km east of Nyala, using satellite imagery. Markets and residential areas have also been burned in El Geneina and Nyala.
Rapid Support Forces troops on Friday with at least two captured tanks near a Sudan Armed Forces base in Nyala, South Darfur. Eyewitnesses told Darfur 24 that the fighting killed several civilians in Al Sikah, Al Cinema, and Emtidad neighborhoods.
Where are the geolocators....
approximate location 12.050097, 24.875457
May 18, 2023 • 25 tweets • 13 min read
🧵 Pan-Arabism and Chadian-Sudanese unionism within the Rapid Support Forces ranks.
The first four videos that I'll share were uploaded in the past three weeks by a Chadian RSF supporter and possible fighter (tiktok: zdan_27taoit). 1/n
It's a common practice on TikTok for users to share videos of themselves watching and reacting to other videos. Here the RSF supporter watches a speech by Gaddafi espousing pan-Arabism. /2
May 1, 2023 • 20 tweets • 9 min read
١/ ثريد عن بروباغندا فريق اعلام الدعم السريع و استراتيجيات التواصل الرجاء إعادة التغريد حتى نتمكن من الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات
Thank you to @NazAbis for the translation. 🙏🏼. For the English version go here: