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Originator of #KaydensLaw Advocate for children, creating innovative programs & policies to break CA/CSA cycle. #ChildSafetyFirst
May 12, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
The new Human Rights Council Report “shows how the standard of the best interest of the child is violated by imposing contact between a child and one or both parents and by prioritizing it, even where there is evidence of domestic violence.” This report of @UNSRVAW to HRC identifies that “Predominantly as a result of gender bias, the lack of training and of access to legal support, the custody of children may be awarded to perpetrators of violence, despite evidence of a history of domestic and/or sexual abuse.”>
May 11, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵TW Two nights ago I went out on my front porch & heard a man shouting. Then I heard a loud crash of what sounded like lots of glass smashing.
“I’ll f**ing kill you, you f**ing c**t” the man shouted, as more things smashed. I live in a quiet safe residential neighborhood> And it pierced an otherwise peaceful spring night. He screamed at her: “stop it, stop f**ing whispering!” {more smashing}

Should I call 911? How bad is it? Sometimes you call & it makes it worse for the victim. He punishes her if they don’t take him. Sometimes it saves her life.