Dan Kois Profile picture
Sep 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Over two years ago @parabasis came to me with a great idea for a story, about a science fiction master whose novels were beloved but, for some reason, had fallen out of print. Over the next year he would occasionally call me with these "holy shit!!" moments as the story got weirder and weirder. When we published his great piece, there was one final surprise ... slate.com/culture/2019/1…
Sep 27, 2020 28 tweets 7 min read
time for another late-night mix tape! everyone crack open your Maxell XLII 90 and play along Image Side One! I used to give not only mix tapes but the sides of mix tapes titles, usually from a lyric in the first song, so let's call this side "Disappointed Believers"
Sep 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
giving my browser a pep talk before i open this tab. "you can do it, buddy" laptop fan blowing like ornette coleman
Sep 17, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
Happy birthday to this book, which was published one year ago today. Here’s a long-ass thread about what it was like. Image Each time I’ve published a book I’ve been reminded anew how nerve-wracking it can be. (What a privilege even to be able to say that!) In my experience very few authors ever feel like their books got ENOUGH press or were blurbed by the PERFECT people or sold ENOUGH copies.
Aug 18, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Several years ago I was driving down I-40 between Knoxville and Asheville and stopped off at some random ass town and there was a phenomenal, enormous used bookstore in a shitty strip mall and I have spent probably 10 hours of my life trying to figure out where it is, please help update: it was not McKay's but that seems awesome
Aug 5, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
HIT PARADE TRIVIA: Dammit @thehighsign got '80s pop hits and I'm gonna get, like, '50's doo-wop Dana's question for @cmolanphy was impossible and he STILL got it right
Jun 25, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
I spent the spring walking every single street in my suburban ZIP code, cataloguing the design of house numbers along the way. Everything you ever wanted to know about the address numbers of 22207, for your reading pleasure: slate.com/human-interest… America, you have a kerning problem! ImageImageImageImage
Jun 14, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
i'm at the beach. this is what i'm doing instead of twitter this week. bye Image quick break to announce that Emily Gould's PERFECT TUNES is really, really wonderful. Good on parenting, rebellious teens, cooler-than-you friends, artmaking, money Image
Jun 8, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
My daughter and I have been stuck at home together for months now, so we're recording a podcast: YOU PICK TONIGHT, a father-daughter double feature, in which a 15-year-old picks a movie for her dad, and her dad picks a movie for her buzzsprout.com/1115588 Image Episode 1 is us talking about PAN'S LABYRINTH, WHISPER OF THE HEART, the seven dwarves' cruel parents, and Lyra's struggles to figure out what kind of artist she is buzzsprout.com/1115588/391122… ImageImage
Jun 7, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read

$1,500 for my 2009 33 1/3 book (the standard advance back then). I spent all that money and way more traveling to Hawaii to research it. Obviously extremely worth it. This book finally earned out THIS YEAR due to a Spotify deal Bloomsbury made for the series Image $70,000 for 2018's THE WORLD ONLY SPINS FORWARD, split between @parabasis and me. 1/2 on signing, 1/4 on D&A, 1/4 on pub. (Hope this is OK, Isaac.) We spent some of that on research costs and photos. It's sold pretty well and I hope it might earn out in the next year or two. Image
Apr 13, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Extremely excited to announce the shortlists for the Slate/@cartoonstudies Cartoonist Studio Prize! slate.com/culture/2020/0… Print nominees include great books from @DAYGLOAYHOLE, @ezracdaniels, @kevinh1000 , @squinkyelo, @ebonydraws, @marikotamaki, @hirosemaryhello, @HeGotGronch, @marionfayolle
Apr 1, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Uh, holy shit this is making me so happy, if you don't tune in you are missing out Image
Mar 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Just finished Buffy season 7 tonight with the kids. I haven't watched it since its first run in '02-'03. I really liked it a lot more this time around Image It benefits from binging. Individual episodes tended to be disappointing back when we were waiting a week or more for each one; as beats in an ongoing story that comes at you faster they are much more fun Image
Dec 23, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
🎶 It's the most wonderful time of the yeeeaaarrr 🎵 .... Movie Club! @thehighsign kicks it off ... slate.com/culture/2019/1… @thehighsign ... and @BilgeEbiri writes about Gaspar Noé's CLIMAX ... slate.com/culture/2019/1…
Dec 20, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
Dec 17, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
I didn't write a lot in 2019, a situation I will be remedying in 2020. But I did write some things, so I'm gonna list my favorites here. 1/283 I wrote a profile of the playwright Lauren Gunderson, in which I tried to grapple with what American theater looks like for most Americans slate.com/culture/2019/1…
Nov 23, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Today is the FINAL DAY of my six-month orgy of self-promotion! Celebrate with me by reading this final flurry of tweets I wrote for the New Yorker about how hard it is to bicycle like a tall, handsome blond person newyorker.com/culture/person…
Nov 2, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Tonight I was sharing a table at a book fair with a nice young man and he said "What's your book about" and I told him it was a memoir of our family's trip around the world. Then I asked after his and he said, "I was raised in Gaza and when I was 15 I was shot by an Israeli soldier and paralyzed for a year. But the doctors who saved me were the first Israelis I ever met who weren't soldiers. Later I came to college in America and wrote this book."
Sep 15, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
reading some old Nora Ephron profiles and realizing I gotta step it up a little Image ripping Erich Segal a new one Image