Dara Ó Briain Profile picture
Talks far too quickly, mumbles, and yet, still doing it. Touring New show Nov 2021, into 2022/23! Latest science book for kids "Is there Anybody Out There?"
4 subscribers
Apr 28 6 tweets 2 min read
While driving home yesterday, we noticed a strange landmark on the Sat-nav. All it said was “The Pole”. (1/n) Image Clicking further revealed little else other than a series of very positive reviews and the exciting detail that it was open 24/7. What was this mysterious establishment? (2/n) Image
Feb 29 5 tweets 2 min read
Spent the morning filming at the Step Pyramid in Egypt, clambering through underground tunnels, which was incredibly fun, but also, MADE AN INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY: (1/n)
By King Djoser’s burial chamber, in an alcove, we discovered an ancient and mysterious artefact, presumably left there four thousand years ago, as a warning to intruders. (2/n) Image
Jun 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is deeply stupid. The judgement is that an imaginary person, at some time in the future, might see “You live on in our Hearts”, written in Irish, not understand it, but JUST PRESUME it must be political, since it’s Irish and then…what?… feel uncomfortable? Unsettled? So the family don’t get to give the tribute they want to their beloved mother because we apparently have to protect the feelings of some imaginary idiot in the future who can’t imagine the Irish language can carry any human emotions other that “Tiocfaidh ár Lá”.
Feb 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Some of you might remember me complaining about Microsoft Word losing a document a couple of days ago. It turns out I’ve discovered a Bug! A proper, dumb, catastrophic bug.
I want naming rights.
If you have Word on a Mac you can test it yourself: (1/n) Open a file in Microsoft word on a Mac. Give it a name but, importantly, mistype the name so that the first two letters are capitalised; like TEst, say.
Then correct that mistake by replacing the second capitalised letter. You know, like you would.
And poof, the file disappears!
Jan 18, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Christ, it was literally the last words he said in the ITV debate. Slid out in his closing remarks when no-one could correct him. What a lying piece of shit that man is. Sorry if that seems strong, but he was just a disgrace in that debate. “Operation Fear, operation Fear” he kept saying, and then at the end “Turkey” just to scare some people already petrified by the refugee coverage. Dreadful man.