Darkangel. Profile picture
Radfem, ♀ an Adult Human Female. I ♥Sci-Fi, UK mystery, crime & comedy tv. Atheist & Communist, I fight for ♀ & Kids in Domestic Violence #IndigenousAU.
Sep 27, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
My sister fled an abusive 20 yr relationship, she was isolated from family, horrific physical & sexual abuse over those years, she was placed in a refuge that has men & women. Women do have a separate floor to men but not if they identify as transwomen. On my sister's floor there was a transwoman who in my sister's description was a big hulking bloke. My sister is a 45-kilo fragile woman escaping violence from men. On there floor was a lesbian woman & the pair hated each other. The transwoman accused the lesbian woman of trying to have them beat up by a