"Machine Readable Governance" provides some #nuggetsOfAwesome but has some flaws that need to be addressed before it can be as helpful as it wants.
Contrary to this well-written but somewhat flawed article by @TelegramSam it also needs a Trust Registry.
When you're talking interoperability - what do you mean?
Single or Multiple Industries/Ecosystems?
Single or Multiple Technical Stacks?
My premise is that you can only ever start with REAL interoperability in the Single Stack + Single Ecosystem realm. Then you need to move in TWO directions:
Single-to-Multiple - one at a time.
only AFTER that can you get to Multi-Stack+Multi-Ecosystem.
Sep 11, 2022 • 42 tweets • 7 min read
Trust Registries help answer the hard questions an ecosystem needs in order to create a whole experience.
a thread - and maybe some sacred cows are at play...
Where do the systems you want to work with go to get the answers to questions like
How do I know can trust
- this Issuer for that Credential?
- trust that Verifier?
- that Wallet App?