Darrell Stetler II Profile picture
Pastor in #OKC @biblemethodist. I create Discipleship tools for churches here: https://t.co/sXhlKcCBWA Follow @newstartdisc
Oct 15, 2024 15 tweets 2 min read
Here’s an unpopular opinion: Small churches have a secret superpower when it comes to making disciples. And it’s something big churches can’t replicate. 🧵👇 Large churches are often measured by attendance—how many people show up on Sunday. But attendance is not the same thing as discipleship.
Jul 16, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Why it's unlikely there was a conspiracy in the assassination attempt:

Put yourself in the shoes of the planner, and imagine the logistics:

If you were to go about recruiting an assassin, how would you do that?

You've got to find someone who: * Has access to firearms (not hard)
* Is mentally disturbed or full of hate enough to be willing to kill
* Is competent enough to pull it off
* is willing to accept near-certain death to get it done
* won't tell anyone

That's a pretty narrow field.

Yet, let's be honest...
Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm one of those "never trumpers." I didn't enjoy today at all. It was horrific, un-American and a whole bunch of other words.

What it was not... Was unexpected.
I have warned about stuff like this for months, and warned about Trump and his toxic character for years. I've lost followers, lost business, had ridiculous private conflicts I can't tell you about. I've had people threaten to leave my church, and have angry text messages waiting for me to respond to tomorrow.

So I know that if which I speak:
Jan 6, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: "Oh, look, it's the consequences of my actions and beliefs."

I have said for months, that the problem with accepting conspiracies is not the first thing you must believe, it's all the things you must believe to remain true to it. Elections have consequences.

So do ideas.

The problem with the protesters is not that they are outside agitators, attempting to discredit legitimate protesters.

The problem is that they are acting out logical consequences of the claims of conspiracy theorists.
Jan 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Anyone still think this is the greatest president in our lifetimes?

I don't need this to be answered, I know many still think that.

But it is to our shame. Evangelical Christians, do not doubt for one moment that this man would gladly throw you and your values under the bus, and tear down the Constitution you say you love, if it would mean the exaltation of his ego.
May 29, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
THREAD on #GeorgeFloyd and #icantbreathe and #Minneapolisprotests: One good thing God can bring out of this lockdown & mask situation is to help the white church understand the anger of people of color.

If you have a hard time understanding, give me 2 minutes.

Imagine. Imagine governors & local officials going beyond their mandate, and imposing extra burdens on freedoms you thought you were guaranteed in the Constitution.

Imagine local law enforcement tackling people for something like not wearing a mask.

Imagine no real recourse available.