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(Richmond, VA born; Flint, MI raised)
@_HamptonU alum/Software Eng./
Nov 19, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🧵I'll make this plain, Democrats.
Listening to the likes of:
-James Carville
-Rahm Emmanuel
-Bernie Sanders
-Bill Maher
-David Axlerod
will DESTROY the party.
Your base SEES you as backstabbers & betrayers. I WARNED you IN JULY after stabbing your own POTUS in the back.
Black women feel betrayed by you.
They KNOW you didn't REALLY want Kamala Harris as your nominee. They saw the names you bandied about & the way you said she wouldn't be "coronated."
They see how you've TURNED on her NOW. They also know you painted yourself in a corner.
Jul 9, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Quick 🧵for all Dems trying to sink Biden right now.
You may think you look thoughtful & deliberate.
You look weak.
You look cowardly.
You look feckless and unsure of your platform and standard bearer.
News Flash: The American voter isn't well educated on issues. (1)
American voters respond to strength, unity and emotional appeal.
Donald Trump is a raging fool.
He's stupid beyond measure, a serial liar & a felon who is responsible for the negligent homicide of THOUSANDS with his downplaying of COVID... but HIS cult is loyal to him. (2)
Oct 23, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
🧵So all of you people who are a "hard no on Biden" need to understand that means you're OK with:
-Trump, his racism, stupidity & chaos
-Voter Suppression
-A nationwide abortion ban
-NO shot at college debt reduction
-The end of marriage equality
-More tax cuts for the rich
- unfettered hostile foreign power access to U.S. security
-someone who wanted to nuke a hurricane in charge of the nuclear stockpile
- ANOTHER botched public health response killing EVEN MORE people
-Another botched disaster response like Puerto Rico
-MORE election tampering
Jan 20, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Thread. With less than 11 hours to go, it's difficult to quantify just how badly the worst U.S. President of my lifetime caused this nation to fall.
Gone is the illusion of rock solid American Democracy. Gone is the notion of American jurisprudence & no one being above the law.
Only slavery prevents Donald Trump from being definitively the worst President in U.S. history- but the argument can still be made.
Treason, extortion, obstruction, insurrection, negligent homicide: All valid charges against this President- but he wasn't alone.