@substackinc: Too Close To Call @mcclatchydc politics @washingtonian policy, music lover, recovering Kanye fanboi, Jersey boy. Insta/TikTok: davecatanese
Sep 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I tested positive for Covid today - despite being fully vaxxed since May by Moderna.
Likely acquired during my trip to a music festival in Chicago over the weekend where vax cards were required for entry.
With airports, Ubers, hotels + restaurants, could've nabbed me anywhere.
I had a false positive in January, but this one feels real.
I'm congested, lethargic and have lost my taste & smell.
It feels like the regular flu pre-Covid.
But if I had to do it all again, I'd easily go back to the music festival.