David Fallarme Profile picture
Thinking about marketing, better judgment & Asian voices getting louder. I do asia marketing @hubspot
Mar 12, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
0/ When asked for marketing advice, I usually reply w/ some version of the following charts

They’ve been helpful for people who need direction, from startup founders to marketers in a BigCo planning a go-to-market for a new product

Here’s the first chart: 1/ There’s no one-size-fits-all marketing advice. We must diagnose before we prescribe.

So first, we try to broadly categorize the company in terms of their business model

Thankfully, @chrija made this very simple chart to help us do that:
Mar 9, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ There are 3 kinds of marketers: Artists, Soldiers and Gamblers.

Thread 👇 2/ To THE ARTIST, marketing = winning hearts and minds.

It’s about using your work to create a raw, visceral connection w/ people. Things like SEO, budgeting and worrying about organizational design are a necessary evil at best, but mostly viewed as nuisances.
Feb 12, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ A big reason why I loved @bhorowitz ’s book is that it introduced the concept of Peacetime v Wartime advice 2/ most management advice assumes you are in Peacetime (listen to people; show empathy; dont overwork people). but in Wartime it’s a totally different game