Fifty Shades of Whey Profile picture
i've been shadowbanned for months and my data was subpoenaed by the feds for no reason 💁🏽‍♂️
eDo Profile picture Diana Roby Profile picture Mark Ricks ( Profile picture Dr. Cherie Ann Turpin Profile picture 🛠Childish🍉Parenti🚩 Profile picture 9 subscribed
Jul 19 4 tweets 2 min read
America is a fascist police state 🎥 tiktok: yourmajestcee
May 24 7 tweets 3 min read
WARNING: GRAPHIC ⚠️ A police officer in Missouri shot and killed a 13-pound blind and deaf dog who was harmless. The city of Sturgeon justified Myron Woodson's actions by saying "the officer acted within his authority." The shooting happens about 30 seconds in. Teddy was loved by many. There's a petition going around to get justice for Teddy:…
Mar 13 6 tweets 3 min read
If there's one thing I want you to know about this TikTok bill, it's that this is obviously more than just about TikTok. This is about censoring us, stopping us from connecting, and fracturing us so we can't organize.

We are all being restrained from saying certain things, and we're not allowed to know what those things are until we find out the hard way, because our feudal kings can't exactly write into law what they don't want us to say, or else we'd all be saying it, so they find capitalist workarounds like buying up platforms, homogenizing us into polarized sections, and driving public discourse.

Another workaround is bribing politicians to expand their control over the narrative, which is what this bill will do. Focusing on banning TikTok is meant to inspire paranoia about a foreign country as a means of signing this censorship bill into law. The primary intent is that they don't want us to connect with one another and realize that it's our ruling class who we should be paranoid about.

The various cults and cartels that work together to run the world care a lot about what we say and what we believe. Their leaders may often exploit religion to gain power, but they have no gods. They worship the possession, privatization, and financialization of every square inch of our existence. Our ability to communicate with each other without suppression is a threat to them so they will do everything they can to eliminate that threat. Their actions inform us of their fears, and our inactions inform them of our ignorance. If the lesser evil always coincidentally aligns with the greater evil to utilize our laws as an instrument to stop anything that threatens our oligarchy's power over us, then it's just one evil. One very big, very bad, very fascist evil that'll take more than just voting to beat.
Feb 4 5 tweets 3 min read
On this day in 1793, the Fugitive Slave Act was passed and later signed into law by George Washington, who ended up invoking it TWICE to try and kidnap a young woman and her infant child who escaped from him. This law guaranteed that white, property-owning men in the US had a legal right to capture any runaway slaves, or their children, and acquire them as property.

The fact that Washington used the Fugitive Slave Act multiple times has eluded American education for centuries because it shatters the mythological image of our nation's founders as these "benevolent champions" of freedom. In reality, America's forefathers were the wealthiest men of their time, and they embodied the same greedy, rapacious views as the wealthiest men of our time.

When they taught us about Washington's precedents in school, they were sure to mention his use of term limits, or his use of a Cabinet, but they conveniently left out his enthusiasm for state-sanctioned terrorism in the name of economic exploitation because they don't want us to draw parallels to the grim reality that today's American ruling class is still in favor of state-sanctioned terrorism in the name of economic exploitation.

As far as they're concerned, the only education you need is that there is no form of human economic organization better than the one they've foisted onto us. American capitalism is good. American capitalism is great. And American capitalism is the best. They don't want us connecting the dots that the economic system they brag about so much required hundreds of years of slavery accompanied with fascist legal instruments to keep their depraved system alive.

The final thing I want to say is that the name of the young woman that Washington tried to recapture was Oney Judge. She's the American hero that all of us should be paying attention to 230+ years later. The courage and resilience it takes to flee from a president's bondage is a level of bravery worth celebrating. Americans like her paved the road for the rest of us to have rights and it's a damn shame people don't even know who she is.Image Sorry, had to make an edit to clarify that the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was passed on February 4th by Congress, but it was signed into law by Washington some days later.
Nov 30, 2023 7 tweets 8 min read
Henry Kissinger is dead. He was a war criminal who's never been held accountable for imperialist slaughters that resulted in massive civilian casualties and destabilization in Cambodia, Laos, Chile, etc. May the ghosts of his victims haunt his soul for eternity.

The US bombing campaign in Cambodia, driven by Henry Kissinger's strategies, was immense and brutal. Between 1969 and 1973, the US dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of munitions over Cambodia.

This was among the most intense air campaigns in history, exceeding the total tonnage dropped on Japan during World War II. It's estimated that these attacks killed as many as 150,000 civilians.

As National Security Advisor and as Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, Kissinger played a pivotal role in this campaign. His involvement and decision-making in the bombing of Cambodia are well-documented.

Oct 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A judge has acquitted 2 police officers in Chicago who shot an unarmed man multiple times and then lied about it. The cops alleged the victim shot first, but video evidence proved it was a lie. The courtroom was packed with thugs-in-uniform while the judge let them off. Image According to Cook County Judge Lawrence Flood, the shooting of 23-year-old Miguel Medina was justified because he had previously been drinking and smoking weed and gave the appearance of "gangbangers."

What the fuck?…
Jul 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Sweden gets 480 days of guaranteed parental leave. Americans get none. Prioritizing labor over familial bonds goes against human nature. People learn facts like this and they move left. We're not catching a woke-mind virus. We're catching fact-based evidence. Image I suspect that the only way right-wing Christians in the US will ever care about labor, healthcare, education, climate, etc. is if the left has undercover evangelicals touring the country invoking biblical references in favor of policies that reduce human suffering.
Jul 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
JoJoFromJerz and Laura Loomer might have different political opinions, but they're both scabs. I don't care if you're a liberal or a conservative. Betraying workers to side with corporations is shameful. Strikes are about standing together and showing solidarity.
Workers are on strike and families will struggle because of these greedy movie studios, so instead of using your social media platforms to help billionaires in their endless pursuit to fuck over their workers, I recommend showing some solidarity and not being a traitor.
Jul 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A majority of Americans are blaming inflation on large corporations seeking maximum profits, otherwise known as capitalism Image I tried to tell y'all over a year ago. We needed a Windfall Profits Tax since the moment Russia invaded Ukraine, but a majority of our elected officials are too corrupt. I don't think they're stupid or incompetent. They're just being bribed to obfuscate and run out the clock.
Jun 6, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Merck is suing the US government over a law that lets Medicare negotiate drug prices.

Here is the company's Board of Directors.

These are the people who want to price-gouge sick Americans and make us all suffer. Picture of Merck's Board of...Picture of Merck's Board of... Robert M. Davis is the CEO of Merck and the chairman of the board. He wants to price-gouge sick Americans and make us all suffer.

This is what a thug looks like. Image
Jun 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Liberals having tense negotiations at the last minute over our nation's debt with a political party that tried to overturn an election is how fascism wins, actually. These ghouls only represent a minority of Americans, but they have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court. The checks and balances in this country have completely evaporated. Corporate oligarchs have amassed so much wealth that they can take up every molecule of oxygen in the room with fascist bullshit, like abortion bans and book bans, just so they can rob us while we argue about it.
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A correctional officer for a juvenile detention center in South Dakota was sentenced to 16 years for taking videos of underage girls showering. Shayne Begay, 45, put a phone inside a clear plastic bag and positioned it to record minors in the shower multiple times. "The 13-year-old girl's mother spoke to the court at Begay's sentencing. She said her daughter — who now lives out of state — is 'traumatized really, really bad.' She said the girl attempted suicide last fall."…
Apr 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The restaurant lobby is writing bills that will allow minors to serve alcohol, while the party of child brides and sexual predators is gleefully voting in favor of it without any objections.

I bartended for many years. This is state-sanctioned sexual harassment of children. One of my primary roles as a male bartender with female co-workers was to protect them from creeps and I'm willing to testify under oath that every single female co-worker I ever had in all my years serving alcohol has suffered the indignity of sexual harassment from a drunk POS.
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
More and more Americans are being forced to carry fetuses to a 9-month term. It doesn't matter to fascists if you don't want kids, or you were sexually assaulted, or there are fatal birth defects, we live in a dystopian hellhole that normalizes the suffering of innocent people. Headline from from theguardian.c... I've tried my best in private to get big Dem Party pages on board with civil disobedience, nationwide protests, mass boycotts, etc., but it's useless, these people are willfully ignorant grifters who won't step a single toe out of line if it means no more White House access.
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The CEO of Shell's pay went up by 50% as annual profits for the gas company doubled to an all-time high in 2022. Ben van Beurden is being rewarded by Shell's board of directors for using the chaos and confusion of Russia's invasion to wage a war on the working class. Picture of Ben van Beurden ... "The pay package for Shell's CEO jumped by half last year to nearly $12 million, the fossil fuel giant said Thursday, as oil and gas companies made record profits from skyrocketing energy costs that have driven a cost-of-living crisis."…
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Great speech from a West Virginia resident who opposes a state bill that could legalize the discrimination of LGBTQ+ people 🎥 tiktok: fairnesswv Image
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
There is nothing on the @USDOT's website about the train derailment in Ohio, which is not very reassuring. This disaster would've been suppressed and silenced in the past, but we have the internet now, and people have serious concerns about East Palestine.

@SecretaryPete News headlines from  FEBRUARY 8, 2023 US If you can't see how profound the DOT's failures have been to the benefit of private corporations because you've been won over by Pete Buttigieg, let me remind you that Obama's Transportation Secretary is currently a shill for Lyft and advocates against basic rights for drivers.
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A new bill proposed in Montana wants to limit the science curriculum in school and ban scientific theories. This could prevent teachers from doing lessons on evolution theory and cell theory. How can you educate people without teaching them theories? "More than 20 people testified against Senate Bill 235, concerned that it could keep teachers from including gravitational theory, evolution and cell theory in curriculum."…
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This explains a lot about American police Tweet from @KatieSponsler:  I have been taught to yell “stTweets from @KatieSponsler:  I have been told to “loosen u It appears that American police are training recruits how to break the law while giving themselves just enough reasonable doubt to get away with it.
Jan 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Defense contractors literally bribe our politicians in broad daylight, which is how we end up in so many conflicts abroad just so people like Lindsey Graham can get an extra $10,000 for their PAC and most Democrats don't point this out bc they have the same conflict of interest. Tweet from @LindseyGrahamSC... America is not a serious country. The establishment exploits wars for a profit so if the only way to help Ukraine is by taking the word of politicians who are bribed by defense contractors, then it's wiser to remain dubious of their real intentions. A chart showing the countri...A chart showing the countri...
Jan 1, 2023 35 tweets 30 min read
It's January 1, 2023, which means another year without any real laws to address the violence and corruption of the US police.

Here are just some of the incidents that cops have been involved with in 2022 🧵: An assistant chief with a police department in Kent, WA was The police union came out in defense of the cop who shot a 1A cop in Oklahoma was sentenced to 25 years in prison for kiA mother in Texas was beaten by police in front of her kids Incidents that cops have been involved with in 2022: part 2 A police officer in Alaska was fired after sharing an image WARNING GRAPHIC ⚠️ A police officer in Miami-Dade CountyMackenzie Hopkins, a young mother in Kansas, called 911 almoCan we talk about Ronald Greene? Police in Louisiana origina