How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App gets more details wrong about stuff I've covered than any other pundit - impressive guy's fancam politics, where you see individual actors as heroes/icons, and there's actual politics, where you put people in place to use power and redistribute resources. Fancam politics took a hit with the "yaaaaaas RBG" stuff."We can't confirm judges because an elderly senator is sick" is a pretty common problem! See also the near-supermajority Dems had in 2009, which kept falling below 60 bc Kennedy and Byrd were sick.'s point was that she was optimistic she could work with the unions if they had different leaders. "Hope springs eternal." Hard to do it when "that kind of leadership is there.", think of how squeamish Dems are about who they associate with - imagine Pelosi clinching the 2021 speaker vote and taking time to thank the most unpopular people in her party for bringing it home. gets weirder! Jan. 31 special election in a safe R Senate seat. R candidate is a state rep, so if she wins, Rs go down to 100 seats. But if Rs prevent Ds from holding quick special elections, they could control the House (which they lost) until May.…