David Darmofal Profile picture
Political scientist. Political behavior + methods. Opinions are my own, not those of the University of South Carolina or its Political Science Department.
Susan Conway Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 3 14 tweets 5 min read
.@POTUS & @VP have focused on South Carolina more than any administration in memory. We've received $13 billion in manufacturing commitments & have had numerous cabinet visits. By January 15th, @POTUS & @VP will have visited SC 12 times since taking office. A 🧵on their visits.1/ Image First up, @POTUS's visits to South Carolina. On December 17, 2021, he gave the commencement speech at @SCSTATE1896. You can watch his speech here:

Oct 31, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
A 🧵on the amazing similarities between Harry Truman & @JoeBiden. Both plain-spoken Democrats, consistently underestimated by people across the political spectrum & by the press. Both faced a Do-Nothing Republican Congress. 1/ Both faced challenges within their party from a far left that was viewed as naïve & unserious on foreign policy & from conservative Democrats who felt they were moving too quickly, including on issues of racial justice. 2/
Sep 2, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Some of the @VP's meaningful achievements: getting Republican states to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage to 12 months, expanding broadband, unsticking supply chain issues on the West Coast, restoring relations & expanding trade w/ Asian countries, reducing pollution for...1/ kids by getting school buses electrified, being *the* Democrat who recognized the importance of abortion rights & saved Dem seats in the 2022 midterms, centering environmental justice in her work with @EPAMichaelRegan, increasing investments in underserved communities with...2/
Jul 8, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
It's time to have a conversation about the racial biases of too many white liberals in professions such as academia & journalism. It's not the robe-wearing & cross-burning bigotry of the Klan nor the more overt bias of right populists. But it's no less-damaging bc it's covert..1/ It's too widespread in these professions & it's damaging precisely because it's covert & comes from supposed allies. You see it when white liberal academics or former ones say the choice of a Black woman as VP is one purely for "cosmetics" or say the highest-ranking Latina...2/
Apr 1, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
A thread of information, in chronological order, on @VP @KamalaHarris's trip to Africa. First, the Background Press Call Previewing the Vice President’s Trip to Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia. 1/
whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/… Remarks by Vice President Harris at the Arrival Ceremony in Accra, Ghana 2/