Psych prof at Univ of Amsterdam (prev NYU). Studies prejudice and social cognition in the mind, brain, behavior & machines. He/him. @davidamodio on BlSky
Nov 4, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
🚨New in @PNASNews, led by @DSchultner & Ben Stillerman:
In 8 studies, we test a mechanism through which exposure to societal stereotypes—even those we know may be false—can implicitly transform into individual-level prejudice and then spread across a community.
Remember when Trump called Mexicans criminals & rapists?
Even if you dismissed the epithet, you still encoded it in memory.
We asked: Once it's in your head, how might it shape the way you interact with and learn from members of the stereotyped group?
Jun 13, 2018 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
On the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) bombshell:
I also attended Haslam's excellent talk and heard the tapes; indeed, they’re shocking. It's clear the SPE was an elaborate production; "subjects" were coached on how to act and informed about the intended results.
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by @jayvanbavel view original on Twitter
BUT, I don’t think it’s scientific fraud in the typical sense.
The SPE was never considered to be scientific. It’s typically presented in classrooms as a demonstration, not an experiment, and as a notorious case of ethical malfeasance.