Humanity First Dave Profile picture
Lebron stan, Process Truster, UBI advocate. Myles Jack wasn’t down. #EndTheForeverWars #BlackLivesMatter #Jaguars #YangGang Long Live The Jockstrap King 👑
Jun 16, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
@besttrousers @paulkrugman I think the data doesn’t yet reflect the reality of automation because we have been in an economic expansion. Productivity gains from automation have caused the remaining humans to work less productive jobs for low pay, suppressing wage growth. Corporations have not felt the need @besttrousers @paulkrugman To tighten the belt yet. In the next recession, millions of people will lose their jobs, and output will remain about the same, as businesses make the capital investments necessary to replace workers with AI. (Aided by accommodative fiscal/monetary policy of 100% bonus
Jan 4, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
@DannoVanno He didn’t accept any PAC money prior to his 2016 election. He has a 95% voting score from the conservation league. Supporting natural gas as a bridge fuel is not evidence of not being strong on the environment. It is 100% the solution as someone in the industry @DannoVanno “Donors included 24 executives, who gave a combined total of $35,125.” That is 35k out of the 69 million he raised from executives. The guy is a Texan - he will raise money from oil and gas employees. Furthermore- I personally know many of the executives on that list.