David Daleiden Profile picture
Project Lead at The Center for Medical Progress (@CtrMedProgress). https://t.co/v7Gkxi0YjR
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Aug 9, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵In 2016, @KamalaHarris seized dozens of hours of my unreleased undercover tapes.

Now that this evidence is finally coming out for the first time, it's clear @KamalaHarris led a cover-up of late-term abortion crimes as California Attorney General.

In 2015 @PPFA asked @KamalaHarris to seize all the undercover videos. They knew enough about what was on the remaining tapes—

💰Body parts sales for thousands of dollars each
💔Partial-birth abortions and born-alive infants

They had to stop the trail:

Jul 25, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
9 years ago today, I recorded my undercover lunch meeting with @PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola—literally their top abortion doctor.

She admitted using partial-birth abortions to sell baby body parts.🍷🥗

This wasn't really about Dr. Nucatola though—who like many of the @PPFA abortionists I've interviewed is a smart and charismatic leader.

It was about the industrial-scale, taxpayer-funded abortion operation at @PPFA, and the cruel ways its business exploits the most vulnerable.
Mar 22, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵🚨BREAKING: Previously censored undercover footage of top Planned Parenthood abortion leadership shows them seeking a "financial incentive" of $1,500 per fetal liver, and describing how to mutilate babies' bodies to hide violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law. Hey @alexismcgill—

Who are "the people we have to get this approved from" at @PPFA who "will be very happy about" a "financial incentive" of $1,500 per aborted fetal liver?

Dec 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read

In new FOIA documents, a University of Pittsburgh Vice Chancellor discloses that the school's late-term aborted baby organ harvesting program—supplied by Planned Parenthood doctors—is under federal law enforcement investigation.


The FOIA documents confirm for the first time that @OIGatHHS, whose agents have the power to make arrests, serve warrants, and conduct surveillance, subpoenaed Pitt's @PPFA-supplied "tissue bank" after CMP reported on the shocking statements in Pitt's NIH grant application. 👮🏽‍♂️👩🏽‍⚖️
Oct 12, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
▶️WATCH: @PittTweet testified UNDER OATH it "does not obtain fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood"

Last week, witnesses photographed and recorded Pitt's organ harvesting company parked in the @PPWPA driveway with coolers, carrying bags out of the clinic.

What was Pitt's organ harvesting company @COREDonateLife doing carrying bags from the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic away in a cooler?

Why did the University of Pittsburgh feel the need to LIE UNDER OATH about harvesting fetuses from Planned Parenthood?
Jul 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵 7 years ago today, I began releasing @CtrMedProgress groundbreaking undercover video series catching top @PPFA leaders using partial-birth abortions to sell fetal organs and body parts.

They tried to silence my reporting, but now their power to kill and lie is slipping away. Court records and congressional subpoenas document their quid pro quo trafficking of aborted babies for government-sponsored experiments and conspiracies to cover it up.

The abortion-industrial complex is exposed and shrinking.

And their false idol of Roe v. Wade is shattered.
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵Statement on Overturn of Roe v. Wade

1. @CtrMedProgress undercover videos exposing the barbaric sale of aborted fetuses and their body parts at Planned Parenthood demonstrated the dehumanizing cruelty of industrial-scale abortion to the whole country.

2. Now, the national tragedy of industrial-scale, state-sponsored violation of the human right to life of infants in the womb is ending because the need for common sense limits on abortion forced SCOTUS to look at the equal human dignity of our brothers and sisters before birth.
Jun 16, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵: 1. Going undercover made me much more skeptical of abortion numbers reported by @PPFA's @Guttmacher Institute.

Big Abortion has a pattern of manipulating and fabricating in-hosue statistics to fuel their desired narrative.

politico.com/news/2022/06/1… 2. This story is being reported as if there were a huge increase in abortions in 2020, to coincide with COVID, but the 2020 increase was only 1% over 2019.

The real alleged jump came in 2018 and 2019, when @Guttmacher alleges 54,000 more abortions were performed than in 2017.
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨 BREAKING: Over the weekend, my defense team filed a new sworn affidavit by @OCDATony about his successful case against @DaVinciBio:

"My office found evidence of infanticide, of partial-birth abortions, of felony battery and of the illegal sales of fetal tissues and organs." According to the affidavit, the Orange County, CA DA's office launched a criminal investigation of @PPOSBC and their fetus-vending partners at DaVinci after I submitted footage and evidence from my undercover reporting.

@DaVinciBio admitted guilt in a $7.8 million plea deal.
Jan 21, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
1) 🧵THREAD: the "Regulatory Assessment" of experiments on aborted fetuses at the University of Pittsburgh, issued by Pitt's DC lawyers, is such a poor cover-up attempt of such barbaric activity it's almost laughable. The so-called report only raises more problems than it solves. 2) First, the Pitt "Regulatory Assessment" ADMITS that it did NOT examine abortion practice at the University's clinical locations—@UPMC's Magee Hospital (where late-term abortions are done by Planned Parenthood abortion doctors) or Pitt OB/GYN Dept "contracted care site" @PPWPA
May 6, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: 1. The University of Pittsburgh is lying about its relationship with Planned Parenthood and reliance on it for research fetuses, because Pitt cannot defend this corrupt abortion partnership that reeks of illegal Quid Pro Quo for fetal body parts.

2. @PPWPA abortion providers admitted plainly on undercover video that they supply aborted fetuses for Pitt's tissue bank. Planned Parenthood operates as part of the University system as a "contracted care" site. 🔁
Jan 17, 2021 34 tweets 18 min read
1. THREAD: If @PPFA and their business partners escape Justice under the law for the human trafficking of aborted infants and their body parts, it will be the greatest travesty of the rule of law failing to protect the vulnerable since the imposition of abortion itself. 2. My undercover videos with @CtrMedProgress brought the sickening and barbaric trade in aborted baby body parts, and the human injustices enabled by legal state-sponsored abortion, to the forefront of the nation's consciousness in a way bigger and more obvious than ever before.