David Willem Profile picture
Welsh writer: ‘Kicking’, ‘St Cuthbert’s Corpse’ and ‘Black Rood': “Excellent... pure detective work" @HistoryScotland; “Totally compelling" @UndisScot.
Mar 23, 2023 33 tweets 12 min read
I have spent months working out the true story behind #TheLostKing. What was it that made a UK university cut loose the person who most deserved the credit for finding #RichardIII? Here is what I think happened. Thread. 2/n When the #UniversityofLeicester announced in Feb 2013 that they had the evidence to show they had found #RichardIII, they gave #PhilippaLangley the least possible credit. They put her last at their big press conference, after 13 speakers, long after the big announcement.