How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App suffered complications from abortion pills. She was taken to a hospital & doctors reacted slowly. There's not a single on-the-record source saying the abortion law stopped doctors from treating any infection or removing fetal tissue. Even if they had, it wouldn’t be true. this standard, no individual funder of issue campaigns "backs" any candidate or cause. It's more semantic bs and Calvinball. motivated accusations of anti-Semitism are pernicious because they diminish the seriousness of the real thing. story is being leaked in small doses to mitigate the political damage. But the fact is that Biden probably knew he was possession of many classified documents, some for a decade or more, even when he dinging Trump and even as his admin was ordering a raid. course, the entire thread is a giant strawman. Because the argument isn't that we should IGNORE race, or the history of race, but rather that the ideal is that people should not be judged -- legally and societally -- by their immutable qualities, but rather by their deeds. quote, by the way, which comes from a Jefferson letter. says, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots *and tyrants.”* He always skips that last part. Donjr’s laptop had pics of him doing crack and contained evidence that his dad had taken a ten percent cut of his shady chicom cash, I assume it would be a pretty big story., Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, South Korea, France, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Spain, India, Singapore, South Africa. It's true that a number of Western European nations that also pumped money into a hot economy are experiencing high inflation. the Dem position.… wealthy love their public schools. They're not the ones trying to escape the public school system. doubt that’s even a true story.