David Nash Profile picture
Geographer. Born at 322.50 ppm CO2. Geomorphology, archaeology, climate history, West Ham. He/him. https://t.co/vOfCV8StuL
Jan 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Our latest paper on sources of sarsen stones at Stonehenge is out today. For this one we have been analysing sarsen fragments excavated at the monument to understand their source. It’s a long paper so I’ll summarise the key findings. 1/8doi.org/10.1016/j.jasr… First, we analysed 1,028 sarsen fragments from 3 trenches dug at Stonehenge in 2008 using pXRF to see if there were differences within and between the trenches. In short, there weren't, due to subsoil weathering effects. Morale: don't bother using pXRF for this sort of thing. 2/8