David S. Joachim Profile picture
Everyone needs an editor | Professor of Practice in Journalism, @PSUBellisario | Ex-@nytimes + @business | @NewhouseSU + @stonybrooku alum
Nov 10, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
✈️ Bush "had been trained to shoot down planes. He understood how this worked - one plane would lock on, one would ID. He understood the consequences for the pilot, how a pilot might feel to get the order to shoot down a US airliner. It would be tough."

archives.gov/files/declassi… Image "The VP remembered getting 'word then that they [Air Force] were trying to cap up' over D.C. He opened up a line to the President and raised the issue of rules of engagement. He (the President) authorized shootdown. The President approved this before 10:00." Image
Nov 4, 2019 29 tweets 12 min read
Bannon "recalled having first met Trump in 2010. Conservative activist David Bossie, president of Citizens United, was also present, and said that Trump was thinking of running for POTUS in 2012. According to the recap, Bannon asked, 'For what country?'"

bloomberg.com/news/articles/… "Gates recalled a time on the campaign aircraft when candidate Trump said, "get the [Clinton] emails." Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails. Flynn was adamant the Russians did not carry out the hack"
