How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App starters, if I wanted an informed take on the challenges facing working class Britons, I'd not consult a wealthy Yalie lawyer whose dad was the assistant attorney general for Texas. This is, at best, entry-level concern trolling and fantastically dishonest. recap, I booked a car through Expedia with a hire company called Priceless. I arrived at the Priceless office in Jersey City to discover there is no office; just an Exxon gas station. The gas station attendant was strangely aggressive when I asked where the office was. has now endorsed far-right homophobe, racist and climate skeptic Ron DeSantis for president. amongst us dare steppeth foot in Brooklyn Towne a union official can wrongly portray efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change as some sort of middle class affectation indicates that we -climate communicators and researchers- have _absolutely failed_ to do the right work in the right places. 2/ my view, the primary function of publishing the sort of lazy pseudoscience touted by climate science deniers is to attempt to grant it, via "debate," the same legitimacy as generations of painstakingly compiled evidence from the world's foremost research institutions. 2/