Dawn Kuruvilla Profile picture
Betting my life on Jesus and His Word. Internal medicine Physician-Alumni of CMC Vellore. Mission hospital physician trying to contextualise good healthcare.
Feb 23 14 tweets 5 min read
Struck by the stark reality of the death of 42 boys 😣in the aftermath of their taunting Elisha-the newly anointed prophet of God in 2Kings 2
Add this to the fact that I was reading this to my 6yr old son before taking him to Sunday School where his tutor told this tale last week Image How will I soften this narrative to help him understand that ours is a God of love & His prophets are messengers of mercy? Or is it ??!

Isn’t these gruesome details of violence & murder smtg i shud protect my tender son from? Or shud I ??!

Should I shield him from the Bible ?
Mar 22, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
Sharing with y'all an interestg experience I’d in my mission hosp🏥

It all startd with me getting a📞 from my opthal frnd, when I was abt to finish my clinic and head back home for Holi weekend 🎭

She wantd me to see a young man with cataract but with some systemic complaints She told me it’s a young chap who has been complaining of fever 🤒 for a couple of months and has plenty of 🩸 reports in his hand from many hospitals

She said its unusual that the guy developed cataract 👁️ so early

She wanted me, the physician to have a look 🧐 and figure
Nov 17, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
In the eve of National epilepsy day🟣celebrated on Nov17, my heart goes out to the few precious young lives I’ve had the privilege to manage with seizure disorder 🥹

I think epilepsy is a great suffering in 🇮🇳 & as a parent I can’t imagine the pain of taking ur child thru this Most of my epilepsy patients have been young & mostly girls in their teens 👧
It was Cassidy Megan-an 8yr old from Canada who started the purple wave of epilepsy awareness in 2008.
She chose purple to raise awareness and to let people with epilepsy know that they are not alone Image
Apr 23, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
In the era of giving more voice to women 🔉and greater honour 🎖️to ladies, I bring you a sad tale of neglect and poor care 😰to this beautiful lady 🧕who allowed me to share her story of suffering and our mission 🏥 ‘s attempt at giving her some solace and relief ❤️‍🩹 She came to me holding her 👵 who works as a maid 🧹 in a nearby village

👀 bulged out,neck pulsating with a evident thyroid mass & head covered with her dupatta hiding her sparse hair 🧕she had a pounding 💓 beating at 140/min🥺

She told me reluctantly that she has…
Apr 15, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
How my half day work ✂️ on a Saturday is progressing…😄

1. Young lady with 🫀 disease referred by ENT doc with epistaxis 👃 ImageImageImage Pounding heart 💓 with loud P2 & PSM at the lower left sternal area

I got the mother and she said since 6 months she is blue 🔵

There was Hx of recurrent LRTIs in childhood. Image
Mar 24, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
My experiences on the challenges and hopeful aspects of tackling TB in a rural secondary 🏥 on 🌎 TB day.

I see TB Rx not detached from overall well-being of a patient 🔄 and unless ground level realities of poverty, malnutrition & easy access to healthcare is made possible… ..the theme of this year’s campaign- 'Yes! We can end TB!' won’t bear fruit 🍎

Structural changes shud happen in the way people with TB live and survive in this hard world.
They need wholesome 🥘, ventilated 🏠 and easy access to 🏥facility
Mar 14, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
Working in a resource poor setting 🏥, it’s only once in a while I get to diagnose some of the neurological diseases 🧠 for which I have strong clinical suspicion for.

Today I had such a day 😎 65 yr poor old lady, diabetic and hypertensive, came with droopy eye lid on the right side 👁️.

She said it’s worsening by the duration of the day being alright in the morning 🌅
Eye dept had sent to me for evaluation of Bell’s palsy 😑🙃
Dec 26, 2022 31 tweets 10 min read
Second story of today is of a middle aged poor man who was in a nearby big district hospital for 3 days and referred to a big city for treatment.
He came to us hearing we have a good set up and having no money to even travel to Varanasi BHU. He was emaciated and breathing hard 😮‍💨.
My 🩺 told me has a big pleural effusion and on asking history I was convinced he probably has TB with effusion.