Daniel Brittain Dugger Profile picture
HIV+ #LongCovid Advocate. Software Development. CJR Reform. SAND Scan.
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Jul 20 21 tweets 5 min read
Kind of like this? Found within a journal article related to a virus for which there could have been a reliance to prevent conversion from Asymptomatic Neurocognitive Impairment and AIDS Defining Illnesses presenting in children.
Image Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent acquisition, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 17 12 tweets 3 min read
Academia, the medical establishment, and "advocacy" groups could not have betrayed their study participants and income source more by drawing parallels to ME/CFS, allowing for profound reservoir expansion, known since December of 2021. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 16 7 tweets 2 min read
This is not a correct statement, as there might be those who have yet to experience enough disease progression that autoimmunity has set in. Certainly the case for those suffering from Asymptomatic Neurocognitive Impairment. The paper drawing attention to autoantibodies and neurological conditions drew parallels to ME/CFS, problematic as the concept of Asymptomatic Neurocognitive Impairment is as foreign as the AIDS Defining Illnesses presenting in children, who will kick the fucking bucket.
Jul 16 14 tweets 3 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I can say it is unnecessarily doing so. The clear parallels were there to be drawn. Nobody wanted to. Now, come the consequences. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 15 27 tweets 5 min read
While organizations plead for help for there children with a "post-viral" condition, China makes use of repurposed Azvudine which specifically targets a protein related to a virus for which there could have been a reliance upon forty years of evidenced based medicine. Sad folks didn't have it in them to draw the correct parallels. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 14 16 tweets 3 min read
Just this morning, I finished reading over eight pages of SOAP notes that I typed after completing a SAND Scan, which borrows from HIV medicine. Why was it necessary? Because she was betrayed by academia, the medical establishment, and "advocacy" groups. Don't believe me? Let me show you. Losers. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective.
Jul 13 121 tweets 21 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I can easily say that we actually need is for the aversion to drawing clear parallels, which were evident on September 28th and 29th, 2020 to be removed. I sit here in amazement as we have allowed history to repeat itself in every single way possible. Don't believe me? Let's break it down.
Jul 12 14 tweets 3 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I can say parallels between the two conditions should have never been drawn, as significant neurological and immunological harm has been inflicted on millions. This is not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 11 48 tweets 9 min read
Hate to break the bad news, but the pathophysiological processes listed below are just the tip of the iceberg as the aversion to read journal articles and draw parallels remain undisturbed. As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I do find it quite remarkable how well prepared we were to respond in a way that would maintain a society free from the cognitively impaired and immunocompromised.
Jul 11 23 tweets 4 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community, I find it remarkable what we are doing to not only the current and future generation, unnecessarily robbing folks of their autonomy, immune competence, and cognition. I can say it was unnecessary because we were in possession of forty years of evidenced based medicine for which there could have been an reliance upon September 28th and 29th, 2020.
Jul 11 16 tweets 3 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community, who just took a pill a day that keeps disease progression and forward transmission at bay, I do find it remarkable that we have yet to attempt a Treatment as Prevention strategy. Don't we find ourselves in an almost identical situation?
1. Like HIV, SARS-Cov-2 depletes the CD4 compartment.
2. It is persistent, known with the work of Dr. Chertow and others.
3. There is an aversion to the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent its acquisition.
Jul 7 30 tweets 7 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and actual advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I cannot believe you would state it is unexplained. It is a lie, and one that has led to Tuberculosis reactivation in children, condemning them to an AIDS death. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission. I live with it, HIV.
Jul 7 36 tweets 7 min read
It is easy to Tattletale and say that we have been in an all but identical situation. For those unwilling to acknowledge depletion of the CD4 compartment, look what you have done to folks, destroyed them in just about every way possible. Should be proud of your handiwork. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 6 23 tweets 4 min read
@Solutions2Work @PunxsaPhil80 @OpenMedF There are very compelling reasons why drawing parallels between what is a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection and ME/CFS was imprudent from the very beginning, with a news report I found today supporting this assertion. It was on September 28th, 2020 that it became known SARS-Cov-2 depletes the CD4 compartment, as does HIV.
SARS-CoV-2 Uses CD4 to Infect T Helper Lymphocytes
Jul 6 18 tweets 4 min read
Some have taken issue with my drawing parallels to HIV of late. It isn't that I am trying to push an agenda. Rather, it is that I have read journal articles. Ones that specifically mention SARS-Cov-2 proteins operating mechanistically as HIV's Nef, Tat, and Vpr, and Vif. "For example, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has potential cancer-causing effects."
Jul 6 34 tweets 6 min read
This study only confirms that which was known in December of 2021, that the two most well known reservoirs in HIV, that of the Central Nervous System and Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissues are implicated in those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 5 45 tweets 9 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I find the association between the two conditions to be unconscionable. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines are not protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jul 4 23 tweets 4 min read
Unfortunate those in academia, the medical establishment, and "advocacy" groups made the conscious decision to turn the United States into the land of immunocompromised and cognitively impaired by drawing parallels to ME/CFS. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent acquisition, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.
Jun 30 68 tweets 13 min read
We have long known how to address the neurological insult that accompanies a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection. Instead of taking decisive action to preserve the immune competence and cognition of that upon which our economy relies, incessant journal article writing continues. On September 28th and 29th, 2020 the argument was made in two journal articles that it would be prudent to borrow from forty years of evidenced based medicine that allows 1.2 million to maintain their autonomy, immune competence, and cognition.
Jun 25 78 tweets 14 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I could not agree with you more. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission. I live with it, HIV.
Jun 24 57 tweets 11 min read
As a member of the HIV positive community and advocate for those living with a chronic SARS-Cov-2 infection, I can say that while the origins remain up for debate, there is much that isn't up for debate. Not the first time we have observed a virus that depletes CD4 cells, it is persistent, there is an aversion to non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines aren't protective, and there is forward transmission.