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Father.Husband. Bookworm. Programmer. Art maker. Believer.
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Jun 7, 2023 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
How they created "Western Tigray" 🧵

If you look at any old map of Ethiopia, you cannot find "Western Tigray"...

So how did we get "Western Tigray"? And what is the difference between the new map and these old maps? ImageImage First you must understand what happened in 1991, many people assume that the Derg lost the war and were expelled by the revolutionary front.

And that of course is just pure propaganda, nothing of the sort happened ... so what actually happened?
Jun 5, 2023 • 24 tweets • 4 min read
Nice analysis but with fundamental errors, let me tell you why 🧵 1. Ethiopia is one of 54 African countries that have a multinational makeup. Yet only six African countries have a constitution that sets up a Federation. Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Somalia and South Africa. The other 48 are unitary countries.
Aug 30, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
We have to understand that TPLF is currently putting Tigray in Kamikazi mode. Why? Because for 30 years they have fed the people of Tigray that without them Tigray will be reduced to dust. Indeed, they tell every international media that TPLF is trying to stop a "genocidal war". Any mention of this conflict by Tigray media is preceded by "war on Tigray", "extermination", "genocide". They have invested heavily in the idea that their demise, that is TPLF, should be equated to the end of Tigray.
Aug 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Sept 9, 2020: TPLF conduct an election knowing full well that neither the Federal Gov nor the NEBE will accept it.

Oct 5, 2020: TPLF declare they no longer recognize Fed Gov.

Oct 30, 2020: TPLF rejects Gov appointed General

Nov 4, 2020: TPLF attacks the northern command. Nov 5, 2020: ENDF responds to mutiny.

Nov 14, 2020: TPLF fires multiple rockets into Asmara, Eritrea; Bahir Dar and Gondar.

Nov 27, 2020: TPLF fires more rockets into Asmara.

Nov 29, 2020: Ethiopia declares end of military law enforcement operation. Appoints Interm Admin.
Aug 6, 2022 • 15 tweets • 2 min read

Why are Ethiopians forced to live with a party and ideology that no other African is willing to live with? TPLF and its ideology is so criminal that measures have been taken so that nothing like them ever exists in their country.
Here are a few: KENYA
Constitution Article 19.2

"A political party shall not-
a. be founded on a religious, linguistic, racial, ETHNIC, gender or regional basis or seek to engage in advocacy of hatred on any such basis;"
May 20, 2021 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Hello Ethiopia, Sanctions are coming.

Despite their best efforts the US could neither resurrect the TPLF nor stop the upcoming election. Ethiopia seems unshakably fixed on a course to the most pivotal elections in its history and critical overhaul of the Ethiopian constitution. There has been zero political support by the US and Europe for the upcoming elections, in fact, they have called for it's cancellation. Europe attempting to diminish the international credibility of the elections by withdrawing its observers, although now they are reconsidering.
May 3, 2021 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Too many Sudanese officials inspired by Egypt have become delirious and are now salivating for the Benishangul region. Their logic is flawed from inception. According to them Ethiopia refusal to accept Nile Sharing treaties on grounds that they are "colonial" means that Ethiopia should also forfeit colonial treaty that gives Ethiopia the Benishangul region.
May 2, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
This is why you must vote. Ethiopia is soooooooooo racist that they are not fazed by anything apart from race issue. Tunisia literally had their government overthrown because an EXACT situation that happened there. LITERALLY the exact situation, his name Mohamed Bouazizi. For that matter the price of bread went up in Sudan and the people blew up the city, same thing in Egypt, price of bread went up, the people went to overthrow the Government. But not in Ethiopia. The price of bread and oil have been skyrocketing.
Apr 5, 2021 • 22 tweets • 8 min read
What's happening in Ethiopia?
When a boat the "EVERGREEN" on March 24 clogged the Suez canal, damages were calculated at $400 million an hour or $9.6 Billion a day, with the cost of crude oil and other goods hiking across western countries. Delays in goods of up to 10 days for ships that detoured around the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, and logistics that will take months to correct.
Mar 26, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Dear Ethiopians,
Stop wasting your breath trying to "convince" the US government with actual facts. They already know the facts. The US has geopolitical interests in the HOA, Please be aware decisions will be made to further those interests while punishing those who resist. Let me illuminate this with an example. In the 2020 Tanzanian general election, John Magufuli won with 84%. The US was quick to respond with this official statement
Dec 27, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Ethiopia, papers have been signed and all hell has broke loose.

A new regional bloc has ALREADY been created on Jan 27, 2020 that flew under the radar and under reported on mainstream media: Horn of Africa Cooperation-HoAC.
Current members: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia Current international reception has ranged from from unsupportive, negative to doom and gloom. In other words this is not a block that the west particularly wants in existence. But will they engage to stop it?
Nov 23, 2020 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Dear western media.
I really have to call you out on hypocrisy and agenda driven biased reporting. Because while you make it a point to continuously point out that Abiy is a failed "Nobel prize" winner taking the country to civil war with constant reruns of Tigray refugees... and their harrowing stories, you have NOTHING critical to say about TPLF. Nothing of the human rights violations for 27 years, or the illegal monopolistic monetary empire they built in Ethiopia, how they made Ethiopia the top 5 jailers of journalists in the world,
Nov 19, 2020 • 29 tweets • 7 min read
TPLF: Tigray People's Liberation Front.

The world should know that TPLF in any other ethnically diverse African country is not only ILLEGAL but constitutionally BANNED, yet TPLF has ruled Ethiopia for 3 decades.

Here are some countries where TPLF would be banned:

Angola Benin
Nov 18, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Ever wonder why Tigray refugees are heading for Sudan? Why not go to other regions of Ethiopia?

Because they honestly believe that the ENDF has come to kill them... while TPLF heroically defends them.

TPLF propaganda is sending Tegarus into needless exile. "they will kill us,” said an old woman, referring to government troops [Al Jazeera]…
Oct 29, 2020 • 20 tweets • 7 min read
It's very troubling how adamant we are about holding on to politically revised history that is not true.

The following thread is for those who don't fear being exposed to the truth about the real Amhara.

Together with Hiob Ludolf we will count the Kingdoms of Ethiopia. Hiob Ludolf, a German historian and one of the leading authorities on Ethiopian history.

These are the accounts of the Kingdoms and their provinces he counted in the 17th century.
Oct 28, 2020 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Amhara vs Galla: A short story on the origins of hate.

While it is customary to associate Amhara and Galla to tribes, a lack of historical context has allowed for politics to hijack religious animosity and convert it into ethnic currency. The two major players that birthed the Amhara/Galla animosity are the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, other wise known as Gragn Mohammed. In the early 1531 Gragn began an incredible invasion of Ethiopia.
Sep 7, 2020 • 21 tweets • 5 min read
Its time to put TPLF and Ethnic-Federalist on the wall and demand answers:

Where is Shoa(Shewa)?

They dissolved Shoa to make the "Oromo State". A nation that has been anointing its own kings for CENTURIES... gone. Destroyed to make way for an "Ethnic" state based on language. They could have made a proper federation out of all the Kingdoms of Ethiopia, why didn't they? Why choose language as a border marker? Why wipe out a thousand year history? Where is Begemeder(Gonder), why was it crushed to make the "new Amhara" state molded by "language"?
Sep 4, 2020 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Is Addis Ababa's growth the victim of a political agenda?

You decide.

(lines are drawn in approximation)

This is Adama 36 year growth from '84 till 2020. No political unrest because of growth. This is Bishoftu and Dukem growth from '86 to 2020. Dukem went from not visible on the map to merging with Bishoftu. Please note, no political unrest because of growth.
Aug 26, 2020 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
The idolization and obsession with Menelik is purely political in nature and only serves to meet the political needs of certain political parties, looking only at Menelik to understand what shaped Ethiopia is to make mockery of the rest of Oromo's history. Whether willfully or out of naive ignorance you remove from the Oromos their true history. You fail to tell them that Iyoas I in 1755 was crowned King of Kings. You fail to tell them that his mother was Oromo, Welete Bersabe. Or how Iyoas I spoke Oromo as emperor of Ethiopia
Jul 19, 2020 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
#oromoprotest is a case study of mental captivity.

Oromo NEVER had a country called Oromo, BUT... neither did Amhara! Nor any other ethnic group. Yet since 1991 Oromo got a Federal one. Unlike many in SNNPR. Oromo was NEVER united with a single Government, neither was Amhara. Just as Oromo was Borona, Guji, Arsi, etc, so "Amhara" was Gojam, Gonder, etc...EACH WITH ITS OWN KING.
Menelik, Haile Selassie etc are "King of Kings", not just their own "Ethnic" group, but all of Ethiopia.
Nov 3, 2019 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
The Oromo Story they never told you. Part 1.
A critical study.

From a scholar's perspective, Oromo history is divided into two: “Documented History” and “Historical Negationism”. “Historical Negationism” is the intentional distortion or corruption of historical records for nefarious reasons, but is fraudulently presented as legitimate Historical Revisionism.